“Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina have a lot in common, in particular when it comes to diversity and variety: in both our countries live people of different religions that share a rich and diverse cultural heritage. As a Swiss, I strongly believe that this diversity is a benefit for all of us. However, it needs to be lived with tolerance, open dialogue and the will to compromise”, stressed newly appointed Ambassador of Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina Daniel Hunn during the presentation of his credentials to Šefik Džaferović, the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The high priority during the Ambassador’s mandate will be to further strengthen the already excellent strong and long lasting partnership relations between two governments and peoples. “In the center of this partnership stands the Cooperation Program that we are implementing together and that aims – among others – at young people and their perspectives and opportunities. We are currently planning a next four-years-phase of cooperation. Equally important is to further promote our business relations, an endeavor in which I will invest time and energy during my mandate”, expressed Ambassador Hunn. Successful business needs a stable and peaceful environment. This is the reason why Switzerland’s army continues to be engaged in the EUFOR Mission.
Ambassador Hunn also emphasized another strong link between our two countries, which are the 60’000 persons with Bosnian and Herzegovinian roots that are living in Switzerland. “These people can be bridge builders between our two countries, and I believe that we should be working with them more intensively”, he stated.
Ambassador Daniel Hunn expressed his gratefulness to President Džaferović for the warm welcome and conveyed him the best wishes of the President of the Swiss Confederation and the Swiss Government as well as from the people of Switzerland. Ambassador Hunn is truly looking forward to his mandate here in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the cooperation with the members of the BiH Presidency and the country’s authorities on all levels.