People In Need (PIN) Improving access to protection for vulnerable conflict-affected persons in Ukraine

The intervention seeks to improve and enhance the resilience and self-reliance of communities affected by the conflict in Mykolaivska, Dnipropetrovska, and Kharkivska oblasts. SDC partner People In Need will ensure continuing access to quality protection and social services, enhance awareness among service providers, foster inclusive work environments, and provide economic support. The second phase of this project will build on achievements and lessons learned from the previous PIN intervention under SDC funding.

RegionCountry Topic Period Budget
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Protection, access & security
01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026
CHF  2’150’000
Background According to the 2024 HNRP, 14.6 million people need humanitarian assistance. Protection, Food Security and Livelihoods sectors present the greatest needs in 2024, with 11.5 million and 7.3 million people in need of assistance respectively. Since February 2022, an additional 7.1 million Ukrainians have been pushed below the poverty line. Moreover, since March 2024, IDP allowance policy was changed to support only the most vulnerable groups, with more than 430,000 IPDs cut from support. Other groups such as veterans, women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, older persons, youth, and PwD are disproportionately impacted by the humanitarian crisis and face discrimination when accessing assistance, including for shelter, health, and livelihood support. Social institutions struggle providing social services and also face disruptions. Locations close to the frontline are cut from social services or have limited access due to security reasons. Although local and national NGOs have been exponentially increasing since the beginning of the war, many are recently established, and do not yet have the necessary expertise to conform to humanitarian principles and standards.
Target Affected communities and individuals in the targeted regions of Ukraine’s east and south will have improved resilience and self-reliance which empowers them to appropriately respond to shocks and stresses.
Target group

Under the proposed project, PIN will assist social institution representatives in underserved and conflict-affected areas, civil society actors working in protection and livelihoods sectors, enterprise owners in conflict affected communities, employment centre representatives, vulnerable individuals, including unemployed IDPs, youth, conflict affected women, men, girls and boys in underserved communities, and community leaders and hromada representatives.

Target groups are conflict-affected vulnerable populations along the frontline areas (Mykolaivska, Dnipropetrovska, and Kharkivska oblasts). Further, particular targeting and protection assistance will be provided to persons with specific protections needs.

Ultimately, citizens living in targeted oblasts will benefit from improved service delivery and socio-administrative support through enhanced capacities of social institutions. Additionally, they will benefit from increased inclusive livelihoods opportunities, as well as improved protection services.

  1. Conflict affected communities have continued access to quality administrative and social services
  2. Highly vulnerable individuals have access to more inclusive work environment
  3. Conflict-affected communities have reduced protection risks, increased psychosocial wellbeing, and strengthened economic resilience of individuals
  4. Conflict-affected communities (hromadas) have increased abilities to establish and maintain effective community coordination to improve access to protection services and livelihood opportunities

Expected Results:  

1.1. Social institutions and centres in underserved and conflict affected areas are equipped to deliver quality basic services and have increased outreach.

1.2. Social service providers and civil society actors have increased awareness of, and are equipped to advocate for inclusive access to, existing social services in their hromadas.

2.1. Enterprises and employment centers in conflict-affected communities are informed about and equipped to make use of inclusiveness programs, including state-led initiatives.

2.2. Enterprises in conflict affected communities have resources to improve workspaces to accommodate needs of persons with special needs.

3.1. Conflict-affected individuals in underserved communities have access to psychological support services through evidence-based programming.

3.2. Conflict-affected women, men, boys and girls in underserved communities are provided targeted support through referrals, Individual Protection Assistance, and/or economic resilience grants

4.1. CSOs in underserved communities are empowered to deliver quality community-based livelihoods and protection-oriented programmes.

4.2. Community leaders and hromada representatives have increased knowledge on protection mainstreaming and participatory approaches.

Results from previous phase:  

Key results:

  • Responded to urgent protection needs on individual-, household-, and community-levels, particularly in the case of child protection
  • Supported the broader ecosystem around beneficiaries to ensure more sustainable outcomes
  • Maintained a strong focus on gender and inclusion, ensuring the diverse needs of women, men, boys and girls specific needs
  • Active involvement/capacitation of local partners and authorities and therefore demonstrating strong adaptability to contextual realities
  • Multi-faceted support extended to social institutions, beginning to enhance their capacity to provide critical services


  • Social institutions currently cannot provide quality administrative and social services to affected citizens
  • Veterans, IDPs, returnees, persons with disabilities, youth, older persons, women, and members of the LGBTQIA+ face high unemployment levels and have limited opportunity to enhance their self-reliance
  • Individuals in affected communities have limited access to Protection, Psychosocial Support services, and means to restore their economical resilience
  • Limited capacities among CSOs, community leaders, and hromada representatives to effectively coordinate and implement protection and livelihoods actions

Agency SDC
Project Partners Contract Partner
International or foreign NGO
  • Clovek v Tisni (People In Need, Czech Republic); People In Need Ukraine has the main responsibility to implement the project

Projects Coordination This action is coherent and coordinated with SDC activities under the PPDI domain (7F-11021/11023/11024/11168), as well as with livelihood interventions (Caritas and Mercy Corps). Project activities are coordinated via the clusters (WASH, Shelter/NFI, FS/Livelihoods, CCCM, Education, and protection incl sub-clusters and WGs), as well as HCT, Advocacy and Cash WGs, and the Accountability Task Team. Local authorities, CSO partners and SMEs are main partners in coordination.
Budget Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF    2’150’000 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF    1’000’000 Total Project Since First Phase Swiss Budget CHF   2’462’907 Budget Inclusive Project Partner CHF   4’612’907
Project Phases Phase 2 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026   (Current Phase) Phase 1 01.09.2022 - 29.02.2024   (Completed)