Smart & Precise Prognostic Hydrology for Innovative Risk Management and Resource Use Efficiency in Central Asia (SAPPHIRE Central Asia)
The main goal of the project is to improve hydro-meteorological services provision to key stakeholders in Central Asia. This will be achieved through targeted capacity building of National Hydro-Meteorological Services agencies to valorize gauging station data by integrating a digital assistant solution to improve forecast accuracy. This is instrumental for disaster warning and decision-making across water-dependent sectors of the Central Asian economies.
RegionCountry | Topic | Period | Budget |
Central Asia |
Climate change and environment Water
Meteorological services
Water resources conservation Disaster risk reduction DRR |
- 30.11.2026 |
CHF 1’825’000
- Republican State Enterprise "Kaz-hydromet" under the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Agency on Hydrometeorology under the Ministry of Emergency Situation of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Centre of Hydro-meteorological Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Hydro-meteorological Agency under the Committee for Environmental Protection of the Government of Tajikistan
- Swiss Private Sector
- hydrosolutions GmbH
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Meteorological services
Water resources conservation (including data collection)
Disaster prevention and preparedness
Aid Type Mandate without fiduciary fund
Project Number 7F11001
Background | Central Asia (CA) landscapes span across vast steps to high mountain ranges, making hydro-climatological forecasting a highly complex task. At the same time, populations and economies in CA are highly dependent on water for food and energy security while experiencing high exposure to natural disasters, including hydrological ones. Accurate and timely hydrological and meteorological forecast delivery is the responsibility of CA National Hydro-Meteorological Services (NHMS). Recent years have seen a positive trend in investments towards modernization and automation of gauging stations. Despite the new technologies, computers and servers and other hard-components being available in the CA NHMS, the resulting increasing amount of data cannot be processed due to a lack of appropriate internal methodological guidelines and digital assistants. |
Target | People benefit from improved services by the CA NMHS including through warning of hydro-meteorological risks and water availability. |
Target group |
Four NHMSs: |
Outcomes |
Outcome 1: The Kyrgyz NHMS demonstrates the relevance of using of innovative digital solutions for comprehensive hydrological forecasting Outcome 2: Based on the regional Community of Practice, CA NHMS customize digital forecasting solutions in their respective national contexts |
Results |
Expected Results: Output 1: Methodological guidelines and co-designed requirement lists are the foundation for the implementation of software components under the guidance of the champion KGZ NHMS and provide the institutional ground for processing HF data Output 2: The iEasyHydro HF Operational Hydrology Block and the data Quality Control Block, are operationalized in the champion KGZ NMHS and daily hydrological journals and bulletins released Output 3: The champion KGZ NMHS releases high-quality hydrological forecasts via an ecosystem of station-specific predictive models that operate around the iEasyHydro HF Digital Data Warehouse Output 4: Data from gauging stations are administered operationally using iEasyHydro HF technology in the other CA NHMS, incl. also the release of daily hydrological journals and bulletins Output 5: High-quality hydrological forecasts are issued in the other CA NHMS via an ecosystem of predictive models that operate around their iEasyHydro HF in-house Digital Data Warehouses Output 6: A regular regional exchange between CA NHMS and academic institutions for capacity building, joint learning and peer-exchange has fostered a CoP around modern operational hydrology and state-of-the-art hydrological forecasting in CA Results from previous phase: Switzerland has invested significantly in digitalization of water information systems over the past 20 years in CA. For example, in the Water Accounting and Accountability in the Transboundary Chu-Talas River Basin Project (Chu-Talas Project), lead implementer hydrosolutions GmbH (HSOL) co-designed, tested and operationalized the iEasyHydro software assistant in the Kyrgyz NHMS to improve operational hydrology workflows to process data from existing, traditional / manual gauging stations. |
Agency |
Project Partners |
Contract Partner Private sector |
Projects Coordination | Switzerland’s CROMO-ADAPT; WWCS TJK; CR IWRM in ZRB; and BPCA projects and the WB’s CAHMP and CAFEWS projects |
Budget | Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF 1’825’000 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF 1’450’000 Total Project Since First Phase Swiss Budget CHF 0 Budget Inclusive Project Partner CHF 1’720’000 |
Project Phases | Phase 1 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2026 (Current Phase) |