Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America - Phase 2 (CEELA)

The Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America (CEELA) project will contribute to avoiding CO2 emissions in the building sector and improve thermal comfort for building occupants in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. The focus is on capacity building for real estate developers and on supporting legal frameworks and financing mechanisms for green buildings. The project will further promote Minergie, the Swiss quality standard for sustainable buildings.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Klimawandel & Umwelt
Energieeinsparung & Effizienz
01.12.2023 - 31.05.2027
CHF  5’060’000
Hintergrund Despite the progress and high level of recognition achieved during Phase 1 of the CEELA project to define 15 principles of energy efficiency and thermal comfort (EETC) in warm climates in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru, and their application in showcases, capacity building and progress in the regulatory framework, in the building sector, there are still gaps to be filled, such as

(i) data and insufficient knowledge on CO2 emissions in the sector
(ii) few demonstrative examples with quantifiable results
(iii) calculation tools for CO2 emissions
(iv) integration between the public sector, private sector, and academia
(v) adequate housing deficit in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru
(vi) difficulty of the market to adopt new norms
(vii) incentives for sustainable construction
(viii) financial instruments to promote energy efficiency measures in buildings.
Ziele The overall goal of the CEELA project is to contribute to avoiding CO2 emissions in the building sector in Latin America and to improve the thermal comfort and quality of life of building occupants and users, particularly the population living in warm climates.


(i) Professionals, teachers and students of architecture, engineering and related professions in the building sector
(ii) Officials of ministries of housing, energy and environment, and municipalities involved in construction
(iii) Officials of the financial sector active in the building sector
(iv) Occupants and users of sustainable buildings


(i) Ministries of Housing, Energy and Environment
(ii) Municipalities
(iii) Universities and training centres
(iv) Developers and real estate companies
(v) Financial and banking institutions

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1 - Integrated design in practice:

Latin American building professionals adopt integrated design process (Design Charrette) for energy efficient and thermally comfortable buildings.

Outcome 2 - Capacities, knowledge and communication:

Latin American building professionals and technicians have improved capacity in sustainable and energy efficient solutions.

Outcome 3 - Regulatory framework:

Regulatory tools to promote energy efficient and thermally comfortable buildings are improved and effectively implemented as well as a multi-country community of practice has been created to promote regulatory changes at both national and municipal level. Further, financial instruments for sustainable construction are promoted.


Erwartete Resultate:  

  • 8 real estate companies integrate the Design Charrette methodology in their planning process and apply it in at least 12 projects (Outcome 1)
  • The Swiss Minergie-Areal Standard is adapted to Latin American realities. 4 projects are analysed with recommendations and 2 projects receive Minergie certification (Outcome 1)
  • 2'000 people (50% women) are trained in sustainable construction through 13 in-person and digital training events (Outcome 2)
  • 5 new instruments for the effecive implementation of the regulatory framework for energy efficiency in buildings are introduced at national level and 3 sustainability measurement tools are applied at municipal level (Outcome 3)
  • 2 guidelines for matching sustainable construction projects under the relevant green taxonomy (Colombia and Mexico) with financial instruments to promote them are developed (Outcome 3)

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

Outcome 1 - Showcases:

  • The 15 energy efficiency and thermal comfort (EETC) principles for new buildings were established.
  • 3 showcases (Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico) have demonstrated quantifiable impacts with a design based on the EETC principles.
  • Recommendation guide for buildings in the education sector (data based)

Outcome 2 - Capacities, knowledge and communication:

  • More than 8'000 professionals trained in sustainable building methods
  • A thematic community of 100 building sector leaders (academic, public and private) from 15 countries created
  • 25 universities in LATAM commit to zero emission campuses by 2030

Outcome 3 - Regulatory framework:

  • Two international seminars in Ecuador and Mexico, on the regulatory framework for sustainable construction conducted
  • Colombia: Energy demand calculation tool and platform to apply for the Cali Building Label created
  • Ecuador: Support for updating the energy efficiency standard for buildings, conducting a baseline study on greenhouse gas emissions in the construction sector, and developing a matrix of sustainable buildings for Galapagos

CEELA also generated benefits in two SDC priority themes: digitalisation and gender equity

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
  • Ausländischer Privatsektor Süden/Osten
  • Schweizerischer Privatsektor
  • Direct award to the Consortium, selected for phase 1 through open public tender, consisting of Ernst Basler und Partner (EBP) Schweiz AG (leader), Efizity and Carbon Trust.

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

Global organisations: Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC); International Energy Agency (IEA); World Green Building Council (WGBC); International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Regional organisations: Development Bank of Latin American and the Caribbean (CAF); Green Building Council (GBC) of Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Peru; SECO offices in Colombia and Peru.

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    5’060’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    700’000 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Schweizer Beitrag CHF   4’358’448 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   9’418’448
Projektphasen Phase 2 01.12.2023 - 31.05.2027   (Laufende Phase) Phase 1 15.03.2019 - 31.10.2023   (Completed)