Cooperation across borders

A crowd of around thirty people stand around a man giving a speech for the opening of an irrigation pipeline
Handing over and opening ceremony of newly constructed cross-border irrigation pipeline. © UNDP

The absence of a recognised border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan is a threat to the population’s security and socioeconomic development. 

In the Fergana Valley, both countries lay claim to territories and resources. It is an unstable situation which leads to some very violent clashes. Pending the end of negotiations on the final delineation of the borders, the SDC helps stabilise the situation by enabling local populations to engage in dialogue on the use of natural resources and infrastructures.   

Supervisors from each community monitor sources of tension in order to prevent disputes. This is achieved through cross-border dialogue which builds cross-community trust and cooperation. There have already been some observable changes in behaviour: disagreements, which would often escalate into violent conflicts, are now the subject of discussions between the communities concerend. This new dynamic has also allowed the construction of a Tajik irrigation canal which crosses Kyrgyz territory.  

The SDC encourages the populations to work together to achieve common goals. For example, tens of Kyrgyz and Tajik women have been trained to build solar ovens, which they subsequently do together. This training increases their families’ well-being and forges links between communities.