Here we offer you an insight into our wide range of programmes for teachers on Switzerland's commitment to international cooperation. Our offer ranges from interactive and comprehensive teaching modules on refugees to stimulating content on learning about humanity, and customised visit options to the SDC in Zollikofen or from SDC specialists to your school.
Teaching resources for schools

Teaching module: Displacement
Complete teaching module for lower and upper-secondary-level schools
The topic of displacement affects us all, especially young people. Our exciting learning module is designed to help pupils understand this complex issue.
What does it mean to leave your home, work, family, and home country? In the digital installation 'Displacement', you can follow in the footsteps of those affected and get an idea of what it means to be displaced.
The interactive online teaching module 'Project Humanity' aligns with the subject-specific and interdisciplinary educational objectives of Curriculum 21.
Teaching module: Project Humanity
This teaching module is primarily designed for lower and upper-secondary-level schools.
Some elements are also suitable for primary schools.
The interactive online teaching module 'Project Humanity' is aligned with the subject-specific and interdisciplinary educational objectives of Curriculum 21. It raises students' awareness of issues related to humanity and humanitarian aid, and encourages them to examine their own attitudes and values more closely.
Visit to the SDC or SDC visit to your school
We offer lectures and workshops on various sustainable development topics (e.g. displacement/migration, food systems, water systems, humanitarian aid during natural disasters and crises, etc.), customising them where possible. We would also welcome your visit to our headquarter in Zollikofen.
Exhibition: Dialogues on Humanity – Point of View
Humanitarian crises around the world make the headlines every day. The images associated with these tragedies often evoke tears, suffering, hunger, despair, loneliness, separation, desolation, etc. More recently, cyberattacks and misinformation have also clouded our understanding of global events. We sometimes feel helpless and overwhelmed by images of crises, violence, armed conflicts and natural disasters. The contemporary art exhibition "Dialogues on Humanity" responds to these feelings.
Humanity is the foundation and the goal of humanitarian principles: empathy and dignity are at the heart of the humanitarian approach. The Pocket Guide "Points of View" (see document below), allows visitors to experience situations in the exhibition from different perspectives.
Creative museum workshops for schools are offered alongside the exhibition. These workshops provide students with the opportunity to dive deeply into various themes:
- The living and nature: the class is invited to perceive nature as a living, autonomous being and to explore its characteristics.
- Hope and dignity: participants reflect on the concepts of dignity and hope, sharing their personal visions for the future.
- Reality and fiction / the digital: students reflect on the boundaries between reality and fiction and carefully consider the role of the digital world.
Teachers can register their classes via EDUKI
Pocket Guide "Points of View" (PDF, 2 Pages, 1.4 MB, English)
Further digital stories on these topics
Competencies and livelihood training for refugees and local residents
Would you like to find out more about our schools information/teaching programme? Do you have any feedback for us? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your feedback and are happy to assist you.