Assistant Director General, Ambassador, Head of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) - Europe Division
After professional experience in the private sector in the area of digitalisation, Ms Studer joined the FDFA in 2002 as part of the Junior Staff Programme. After a four-year UNDP assignment in Benin, she moved to Bern, where she took over responsibility for the Programme in Mozambique. She then moved abroad again as deputy head of mission in Kyrgyzstan, focusing on health and economic development. She subsequently took on functions in the Directorate for Resources, most recently as Deputy Head of FDFA Human Resources. In 2020, she transferred back to Swiss Humanitarian Aid as head of MENA.
Ms Studer studied ethnology and sociology at the universities of Zurich and Sussex (UK), doing research in Côte d'Ivoire on witchcraft and AIDS. She was actively involved in the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement for over 20 years. Ms Studer is regularly out and about in the mountains at all times of the year. She also goes diving with her family.