Parliament and the Federal Council have earmarked CHF 11.25 billion for Switzerland’s international cooperation during the 2021–24 period. CHF 120 million can be allocated flexibly in extraordinary situations.
Every four years, Parliament decides on the allocation of international cooperation funding. The international cooperation budget consists of five framework credits:
- Humanitarian aid (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC)
- Development cooperation (SDC)
- Development cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe (SDC and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO)
- Economic development cooperation (SECO)
- Measures to promote peace and human security (Human Security Division, HSD)
Parliament and the Federal Council have earmarked a total of CHF 11.25 billion for Switzerland’s international cooperation over the 2021–24 period.
Flexible allocation of IC funds
Switzerland's international cooperation must be able to respond flexibly and swiftly to extraordinary situations like the COVID-19 pandemic and humanitarian emergencies. If need be, the SDC can transfer up to CHF 120 million to and from the 'humanitarian aid' and 'development cooperation' framework credits.
Official development assistance (ODA)
In 2011, Parliament decided to raise Switzerland's ODA (official development assistance) target to 0.5% of its gross national income (GNI). ODA for 2021–24 is currently projected to fall to around 0.46%. Official development assistance consists of contributions from the federal government, the cantons and the communes. These funds are used to facilitate social and economic development in the recipient countries. The SDC, SECO and the HSD cover around 70% of Swiss ODA. Swiss ODA also includes the costs of receiving asylum seekers during their first 12 months in Switzerland. These costs accounted for slightly less than 10% of Switzerland's total ODA in 2018.