Gulf of Mottama Project

Project completed

The unique mudflat ecosystem of the Gulf of Mottama is one of the most important mudflat ecosystems in the world. Communities relying on it as a source of livelihood and the impact of climate change threaten its biological integrity. Building on Switzerland’s specific expertise in Southeast Myanmar, the project aims to conserve the wetland’s unique biodiversity, strengthen climate change adaptation and provide vulnerable communities with sustainable livelihoods and markets.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Climate change and environment
Employment & economic development
Environmental policy
Rural development
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
CHF  4’550’000
Background The Gulf of Mottama (GoM) supports the livelihoods of tens of thousands of fishers, farmers, landless and disadvantaged. The ecosystem functions of the GoM are under dual pressures of unsustainable management and heightened impact of climate change. The major economic downturn and rapidly rising poverty in Myanmar resulting from the on-going political crisis and from the COVID-19 pandemic are increasing pressure on the livelihoods of coastal populations, which could result in more unsustainable use of natural resources.
Objectives The overall goal is: Coastal communities in the Gulf of Mottama adopt the wise use of natural resources - especially fisheries - resulting in ecosystem resilience and improved livelihood security for all, including the most vulnerable women and men in the face of climate change.
Target groups

Primary stakeholders are small and medium-scale fishermen, small-scale farmers, landless and land-poor households, women-headed households and youth.

System partners are Myanmar Fisheries Federation, Agriculture and Fisheries service and inputs providers, Micro-Finance Institutions.

In total, at least 100’000 people are benefitting directly and indirectly from the wise use and management of coastal natural resources

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Coastal livelihoods are more productive and diversified, their related value chains are developed, including opportunities for the most vulnerable women and men

Outcome 2: The unique biodiversity and ecosystem services of the GoM are sustainably managed and community adaptation to climate change is strengthened

Outcome 3: Good governance principles are promoted in the GoM with reduced conflicts over natural resource use


Expected results:  

-    Sustainable fisheries, aquaculture and farming livelihoods are improved and/or diversified through skills and market system development;

-    Communities’ and preparedness to climate change-related and other disasters is enhanced through appropriate knowledge, planning, and technology;

-    Coastal ecosystems are increasingly resilient to climate change and other disaster risks;

-    A sustainable management and funding mechanism for conservation activities has been established and is locally managed.

Results from previous phases:   In addition to strengthening local institutions, project phase 1 and 2 have strengthened local livelihoods and adaptation to climate change. They contributed to grant the GoM international recognition as a Ramsar Site.  Nearly 193’000 persons have improved their livelihoods, or 200% of the target, with interventions including climate smart agriculture technology training and seed provision, access to affordable credit, skills training for vulnerable populations, establishment of co-managed fishing areas and elimination of illegal fishing, and multi-stakeholder coordination of natural resource management plans. A mid-term evaluation in 2019 confirmed the relevance of the project, but recommended a stronger integration of conservation and livelihoods aspects. 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation

Other partners

Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, in consortium with the International Union For Conservation of Nature and Network Activity Group.

The project is a mandate with a direct award to the implementing partners of the previous phase. The original procurement was conducted in accordance with procurement rules (PPA art. 21 lit. e.; FDFA directive 330-0)

Coordination with other projects and actors

SECO Biotrade Project; Swisscontact VSDP; Salween BRIDGE project funded by the Global Programme Water; DDR Regional Hub Bangkok, WWF, UNDP and other community resilience’s projects . CDE/University of Bern as a resource partner for GIS tools and mapping of climate change effects on coastal areas. Coordination will increase with Global Programme Climate Change.

Unlike in the two previous phases, the project will not directly collaborate with government bodies as per Switzerland’s current rules of engagement. 

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’550’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF    4’550’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   12’750’000 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   17’200’000
Project phases

Phase 3 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)

Phase 2 15.04.2018 - 31.01.2022   (Completed) Phase 1 15.02.2015 - 30.06.2018   (Completed)