Disaster risk reduction, emergency relief, reconstruction are three fields of activity of the Humanitarian Aid of SDC. This corresponds to the work that needs to be done before, during and after a crisis, armed conflict or disaster.
Prevention refers to all of the measures taken in terms of protection of the population and infrastructure. Hazard prevention and vulnerability reduction are part of sustainable development and are promoted in all SDC projects and programmes. The main goal of emergency relief is to save lives and alleviate the worst suffering caused by a crisis. Two-thirds of the Humanitarian Aid’s funds are earmarked for emergency relief measures. Reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts can begin after an emergency when the situation has stabilised. In situations of protracted conflict, activities in all three fields may be carried out at the same time.
On the other hand, protection of civilians is one of the four thematic priorities of the Humanitarian Aid of SDC beside disaster risk reduction, water/sanitation/hygiene, and gender-based sexual violence.