Integrated assistance to the vulnerable population affected by migration in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

The humanitarian situation in Venezuela continues to be critical, as well as the migration crisis of Venezuelans in the region, with more than 7 million Venezuelans abroad. High rates of cross-border mobility are registered with pendular migrants, travellers, returnees and unaccompanied minors. In this project, CISP will provide comprehensive assistance to vulnerable people in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and also Peru with a special focus on protection, WASH, health and livelihoods. 

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Protection, access & security
Water sanitation
01.09.2023 - 31.03.2025
CHF  1’287’000
Background In Venezuela, the structural causes that originated the socio-economic and humanitarian crisis 10 years ago persist. Limitations persist in access to safe water, electricity, health, domestic gas, among others in both urban and rural areas. The increase in inflation during 2023 places the minimum wage at less than USD 5 per month, while the cost of the basic food basket stood at USD 523 in May. According to national reports, 12.5 million Venezuelans have suffered severe water supply interruptions; and 6.9 million go a month or more without water.
Colombia remains to be the main receiving country of Venezuelan migrants with over 2 million people. Refugees and migrants face difficulties in accessing essential health services in health, shelter, water, education and food. Ecuador is the second "transit" country in the region and in October 2022, a new increase in inflows from Peru was evidenced. The majority of the migrant population continues to identify food, shelter/shelter, employment/livelihoods, health, documentation and education as their main needs. In Peru, there are thousands of venezuelan families in precarious conditions and, at the border points prioritised in the project, migrants require health care, water, sanitation and hygiene, food and legal assistance. 
Objectives Provide integrated assistance to vulnerable population affected by migration in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 
Target groups

Direct beneficiaries SDC: a total of 25’520 (13’016 female / 12’505 male) 

  • In Venezuela a total of 14’240 people (6’978 male /7’263 female)
  • In Colombia a total of 9’580 people (4’694 male/ 4’886 female)
  • In Ecuador a total of 1’250 people (612 male / 637 female)
  • In Peru a total of 450 people (221 male /230 female)

Indirect SDC beneficiaries: 21’400 

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Migrants, vulnerable Venezuelan population at risk of migration, and host communities in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, have access to legal, mental health and psychosocial support in protection.

Outcome 2: Migrants, vulnerable Venezuelan population at risk of migration, and host communities in border areas, have access to basic health services, safe water, food security, livelihoods and education. 


Expected results:  

Under Outome 1:

  • 15'250 people (migrants and local authorities) participating in workshops and awareness sessions on existing regulations, rights of migrants, care routes and child protection
  • 2'250 people who receive monetary assistance for documentation, humanitarian transport, temporary accommodation, funeral expenses and/or household goods
  • 470 people have access to case management services
  • 1'450 people receiving individual and community mental health care
  • 3 Mobile Healh Care and Support Units in operation to support migrants in mobility in Colombia (Arauca-Norte de Santander) and Venezuela (Táchira)

Under Outcome 2:

  • 2'400 people, who receive medical care and treatment. Especially children and older adults
  • 19 health facilities and/or schools refurbished and supported for access to safe water and sanitation
  • 400 filters, 400 tanks, and 738 family hygiene kits
  • 80 Family Sanitation Units in Venezuela
  • 185 livelihood and entrepreneurship initiatives in operation in VEN, COL, ECU
  • 1'200 school kits delivered

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli has been an implementing partner of SDC in Colombia and Venezuela since 2018; and in Ecuador since 2019

Coordination with other projects and actors CISP is coordinanting with the UN System especially through participating in the relevant UN-Clusters in 5 sectors of in all three countries. Coordination and research for synergies and complementarities is also realized with organizations from the civil society and international NGOs as well as with regional, national and local authorities.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’287’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    1’140’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   980’000 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   980’000
Project phases Phase 1 01.09.2023 - 31.03.2025   (Current phase)