All three authors will be visiting SDC Head Office on 4 September to present their book and discuss it with an online audience and the general public.
Manuel Sager will welcome the three authors to the SDC‘s head office on 4 September to discuss the main arguments put forward in their book on vocational education and training (VET). They will also answer questions from SDC staff and other experts in the field.
The SDC will take a critical look at past and present VET practices in on 4 September when it plays host to Matthias Jäger, Markus Maurer and Martin Fässler.
The authors of a new work, which asks whether the Swiss vocational education and training system can be exported to other countries, view earlier cooperation projects from a new perspective and take a fresh approach to more recent burning issues. As a means both of reducing poverty and promoting economic development, vocational education and training is increasingly coming into focus as an essential feature of international cooperation.
The event, which is open to the general public although primarily intended for specialists in this particular area, aims to elucidate and discuss the findings set forth in the book. Following a brief introduction by the SDC’s Manuel Sager, the authors will present their main arguments. The audience will then have the chance to put questions about what they have just heard.
Start: 16:00