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Publications (279)

Objeto 61 – 72 de 279

Estrategia del DFAE de Igualdad de género y Derechos de las mujeres

The strategy sets out the principles of action and the key objectives of Swiss foreign policy regarding gender equality and women's rights. It outlines the basic principles of the commitment to make a genuine, tangible contribution to an inclusive and equitable society, creating greater prosperity for the benefit of all.

Executive summary of the report on Effectiveness 2017: Swiss International Cooperation in the Field of Employment

Report on Effectiveness 2017: Swiss International Cooperation in the Field of Employment

The Report on Effectiveness 2017 presents the achieved results of the international cooperation of SDC and SECO in the field of employment between 2005-2014. Independent experts have assessed the effectiveness of more 72 projects and programs. The report also shows which factors have influenced the effectiveness. The SDC and SECO regularly produce reports on effectiveness in order to analyze the achieved results of their interventions in certain thematic fields.

Annual Report 2016 SDC / SECO - Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report, published jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), examines the results of Switzerland's international cooperation in 2016. Switzerland strengthened its engagement in fragile and conflict-affected regions and worked to develop sustainable solutions in partner countries.

Objeto 61 – 72 de 279