Strengthening local governance and civic space in Uzbekistan
The programme will strengthen inclusive local governance, gender-based violence prevention and the civic space in Uzbekistan. It promotes an active civil society and civic engagement of youth and vulnerable groups at local level (locally-led development). Switzerland brings high credibility in local governance and human rights and acts as convenor and bridge builder. The multi-stakeholder set up with UN, non-governmental organizations and local authorities offers a variety of entry points, allowing agile steering in the complex political environment.
Región/País | Tema | Período | Presupuesto |
Uzbekistán |
Género Governance nothemedefined
Organizaciones para la igualdad de la mujer
Descentralización Participación democrática y sociedad civil Violencia sexual y de género Desarrollo de los servicios legales y judiciales Medios y libertad de información Gestión de las finanzas públicas |
- 31.12.2028 |
CHF 4’200’000
- Policy, legal and institutional frameworks institutionalize Result-based Management (RBM) and Result-based Budgeting (RBB) at local level.
- Platforms for meaningful youth engagement at local level are strengthened.
- Frontline service providers have improved skills for GBV services, monitor the GBV legislation and raise awareness on negative societal norms
- Policy-level initiatives advocate for improved legal framework and enabling environment for CS actors.
- Local CSOs partners actively participate in and influence decision-making processes at local and national levels.
- Agencia de Cooperación Técnica y Desarrollo
- SDC Field Office
- Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia
Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE GOBIERNO Y SOCIEDAD CIVIL
Sub-Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE Descentralización / gobernanza local / democratización / rendición de cuentas
Participación democrática y sociedad civil
Women's equality organisations and institutions
Desarrollo legal y judicial
Participación democrática y sociedad civil
Ending violence against women and girls
Gestión financiera sector público
Participación democrática y sociedad civil
Medios y libertad de información
Ending violence against women and girls
Temas transversales El proyecto apoya también mejoras en la organización contraparte
Tipo de ayuda Contribución a proyectos y programas
Costes administrativos COSUDE
Número de proyecto 7F10269
Contexto |
The new constitution and the Uzbekistan 2030 strategy, adopted in 2023, confirm Uzbekistan's reform path initiated in 2016 and renew the country's commitments towards a citizen-centered and right-based state. Emphasis is on stronger local governance and services at decentralized levels (with a focus on Mahallas), human rights, civil society and advancement of gender equatlity. The recent domestic violence legislation shows significant progress in gender equality and the space for media and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has increased. However, there are also setbacks and substantive challenges remain in the daily lives of people. The centralized power system leads to mismatches in decision-making and functional responsibilities in local governance. There is lack of transparency, accountability and genuine citizen's engagement, with young people and vulnerable groups having the weakest voice. Women continue to experience violence and discrimination in the conservative environment of local communities. CSO work, despite the recent positive developments, remains restricted by heavy regulative requirements, strongly controlling all CSO activities. The volatility between political opening and closing provides a strong momentum for supporting the effective implementation of reforms and help ensure that the opening process will continue while political stability can be maintained. Responding to this complex context, SDC's governance programme builds on three pillars strengthening inclusive local governance (youth focus), gender equality and gender-base violence (GBV) prevention, and civic space. This shall ensure that reform implementation will be inclusive and result in actual changes also for the people at local level. |
Objetivos | Women and men in Uzbekistan have access to more responsive public services and experience a more inclusive governance context at the local level where they can raise their voices effectively at both local and national levels, enhancing democratic participation and accountability. |
Grupos destinarios |
Main target groups on the duty bearer side are local authorities and government bodies (khokhimiyats, kengashes, mahallas) benefitting from capacity building in the three focus regions. Beneficiaries on the right holder's side are (1) young women and men, women survivors and at risk of violence and excluded groups as identified by local community assessments, as well (2) civil society and civic space actors and human rights defenders. |
Efectos a medio plazo |
Outcome 1: Local governance bodies are strengthened and accountable to develop inclusive policies that improve access to public and social services for everyone, and promote civic engagement of children and young people Outcome 2: Community members, particularly vulnerable women, benefit from increased effectiveness of GBV prevention and response mechanisms, are empowered and better-capacitated to generate resilient income Outcome 3: Civic space actors are empowered and develop their own agendas to protect fundamental freedoms, civil liberties, and women and human rights |
Resultados |
Resultados previstos: Resultados de las fases anteriores: Previous projects (with UNICEF, ACTED) showed that space at local level exists to effectively work with local authorities, strengthen citizen and youth engagement, despite the centralized political structure. The local and nationwide gender advocacy networks built were key in influencing the new Gender-based Violence (GBV) policies. Engaging with a variety of CSO's proofed that civic space in the country is vibrant, but fragile. Funding of independent CSO requires an adaptive and agile approach (incl. on financial management). |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Crédito |
Cooperación al desarrollo |
Contrapartes del proyecto |
Contraparte del contrato ONG internacional o extranjera Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Contraparte de la implémentación Pillar 1: UNICEF
Pillar 2: ACTED
Pillar 3: CS actors selected through call for proposals
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores | other projects in SDC portfolio (UNESCO, OHCHR, UNFPA/UN Women) and other programmes: UNDP on governance and anti-corruption; GIZ on administrative reform; USAID on local governance; FCDO on regional economic governance; USAID media and CS support. |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 4’200’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 735’000 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto suizo CHF 0 Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF 8’600’000 |