Nutrition Emergency Assistance to the Drought Affected Pastoralist Communities in Doolo Zone of Somali National Regional State, VSF-CH, Ethiopia

Proyecto terminado

The failure of two consecutive rain seasons is having devastating effects on the mostly pastoralist population of Ethiopia’s southern arid and semi-arid areas. The number of people in need is dramatically increasing, with the drought affecting multiple aspects of human life. The Doolo Zone, where pastoralism is the main livelihood, is one of the most severely affected. By supporting VSF-CH, Switzerland will contribute to improve the nutritional status of the affected population.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Asistencia humanitaria y RRC
Ayuda alimentaria de emergencia
Saneamiento de agua
Protección, acceso y seguridad
15.05.2017 - 14.08.2018
CHF  1’100’000

Ethiopia is experiencing back-to-back humanitarian crises. While still responding to residual humanitarian needs resulting from the 2015-2016 drought crisis in the eastern and north-eastern part of the country, the southern and eastern pastoral areas are now affected by a severe drought. Water and pasture shortages worsen the humanitarian situation, especially in the Somali National Regional State (SNRS), where the needs are the highest. According to the 2017 Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD), 5.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. The number of people in need and the resources required are bound to increase as the spring rains (March-May 2017) are currently underperforming and humanitarian response will most probably be required well into 2018. In the SNRS, the crisis is affecting multiple aspects of human life. As the drought is decimating the livestock population, people need water, sanitation facilities and food. Lives are being lost due to the high levels of malnutrition and the spread of AWD/cholera.

The Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF-CH) intervention will concentrate in the Doolo Zone of the SNRS. All its 7 Woredas are deeply affected by the crisis.

Objetivos The goal of the intervention is to improve the nutritional status of the drought-affected pastoral households and to prevent the further loss of lives and deterioration of their livelihoods in the Doolo Zone, Ethiopia.
Grupos destinarios

Direct beneficiaries:

Vulnerable drought-affected local and IDP HH (5-7 members). It is expected that the intervention will reach around 30’000 HH:

  • 300 IDP HH: meat distribution and nutritional education.
  • 800 HH: animal feed intervention with animal health package.
  • 75 CAHWs trained which are expected to reach 15’000 HH.
  • 10’000 HH: will benefit from WaSH interventions. Out of these, 400 IDP HH will also benefit from the hygiene kits and latrines.

Indirect beneficiaries:

  • The private sector: animal traders, fodder providers, and the Private Veterinary Pharmacies (PVPs).
  • Woreda line offices.
Efectos a medio plazo

The project has the following three objectives:

  • Improved nutritional status of the most affected households (HH), focussing on IDPs.
  • The core breeding stocks of the households severely affected by the drought are protected from further deterioration and loss.
  • Decreased impact of AWD/cholera on human lives through integrated water, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities.

Resultados previstos:  

1.1: Meat distributed to 300 IDP households affected by malnutrition.

1.2: Targeted nutrition education provided for the 300 IDP HH who are benefitting from the meat distribution intervention.

2.1: Animal feed with package of voucher based livestock treatment provided for core breeding stock.

2.2: Strategic emergency animal health service delivery implemented.

2.3: Support to and rapid establishment of para-veterinary systems to facilitate the provision of emergency preventive and curative veterinary interventions.

3.1: Increased awareness of the community on positive hygiene and sanitation practices.

3.2: An enabling environment is created for optimal hygiene and sanitation practices.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:   The project is designed as an emergency single phase. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has however had the opportunity to work with VSF-CH between June 2010 and September 2015 and during the course of 2016 in other areas of the country, both for emergency and more resilience oriented operations and its interventions were deemed efficient. Elements of the 2016 humanitarian intervention have been retained and will be reproduced in this intervention.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Ayuda humanitaria
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Organización suiza sin fines de lucro
  • Vétérinaires sans Frontières Suisse

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

This contribution is part of the overall response of the SDC to the current drought emergency situation and complementary to other contributions to UN and NGO partners in the Horn of Africa: WFP, ICRC, OCHA, IGAD-FAO, NRM Borana, and SomRep amongst others.

VSF-CH has received funds form the EHF to implement a livestock-based project in the Doolo Zone. The SDC exploits this first investment, builds on it, and expands it to new geographical and thematic areas.

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    1’100’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’031’355
Fases del proyecto

Fase 1 15.05.2017 - 14.08.2018   (Completed)