Los informes sobre la eficacia examinan el logro de los objetivos de los proyectos y programas de la cooperación internacional de Suiza con respecto a determinados temas prioritarios durante un largo período de tiempo.
Informes de eficacia
Dado que los informes de eficacia dicen poco sobre la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad de los proyectos y los programas, desde 2019 se ha optado por suprimirlos e incrementar el número de evaluaciones temáticas.
Las evaluaciones que figuran en los informes de eficacia se basan principalmente en la documentación de los proyectos y son realizadas por expertos externos independientes a petición de la dirección.
Algunos de los informes de eficacia son presentados también en forma de vídeos cortos que resumen los resultados logrados en relación con los temas prioritarios.
Informe de Eficacia 2018: Cooperación Internacional de Suiza en el Tema de la igualdad de género
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Publications (9)
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Rapport sur l'efficacité: Coopération internationale de la Suisse dans le domaine de l'égalité des genres 2007-2016
L’égalité entre les sexes est incontournable pour réaliser le développement durable. L’étude, réalisée par une équipe d’experts externes, comporte une évaluation de trois portefeuilles de projets et de programmes qui couvrent la période 2007 à 2016 et rendent compte de l’approche qui est la nôtre pour mettre en oeuvre la politique en matière d’égalité des genres au sein du DFAE.
Executive summary of the report on Effectiveness 2017: Swiss International Cooperation in the Field of Employment
Report on Effectiveness 2017: Swiss International Cooperation in the Field of Employment
The Report on Effectiveness 2017 presents the achieved results of the international cooperation of SDC and SECO in the field of employment between 2005-2014. Independent experts have assessed the effectiveness of more 72 projects and programs. The report also shows which factors have influenced the effectiveness. The SDC and SECO regularly produce reports on effectiveness in order to analyze the achieved results of their interventions in certain thematic fields.
Report on effectiveness 2015: Swiss International Cooperation in Health 2000-2013
This report is an independent external analysis that presents the results of the Swiss international cooperation in the health sector between 2000 and 2013. It assessed a total of 57 health projects. This type of report is regularly produced by the SDC in order to analyze the results attained by its interventions in a certain thematic.
Report on effectiveness 2014: Swiss International Cooperation in Climate Change 2000–2012
L'édition 2014 du rapport sur l'efficacité présente les résultats obtenus par la coopération au développement de la DDC et du SECO en matière de changement climatique pour la période 2000-2012. L'analyse a porté sur 400 projets de mesures ayant une incidence sur le climat. Ce type de rapport est un outil utilisé régulièrement par la DDC et le SECO pour examiner l'efficacité de leurs mesures dans un domaine thématique donné.
Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres en la Cooperación Internacional: La contribución Suiza a la protección de los medios de vida 2011
Report on effectiveness: Swiss development cooperation in the agricultural sector 2010
The second report on the effectiveness of Swiss development cooperation shows with concrete examples the impact of the CHF 1.189 billion invested between 2003 and 2008 on recipient countries in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe and Latin America.
L’efficacité en point de mire: Reflets sur des programmes de la DDC 2009
This synthesis report convincingly documents the effectiveness of various SDC projects and programmes conducted in different priority countries and in diverse cooperation domains. It describes the objectives and the methods used to reach them, while conveying an overview of the development goals that have been achieved.
Report on the effectiveness of Swiss development cooperation in the water sector 2008
This Report on the Effectiveness of Swiss development cooperation in the field of access to drinking water is directed at the general public and renders an account of successes achieved through implemented measures, but also on problems encountered and existing challenges. External specialists carried out indepth analysis of twenty-three bilateral and multilateral measures. Project beneficiaries also took part in this assessment. Thanks to programmes that Switzerland has implemented over the past five years, the number of people with improved access to drinking water and sanitation has increased by around 370,000 each year. Access to irrigation has also increased by about 30,000 people each year.
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