Cambio climático y Medio ambiente

Los cambios climáticos mundiales plantean nuevos desafíos a los actores del desarrollo. ©CCO

Los efectos producidos por el cambio climático no conocen fronteras geográficas. Afectan a toda la población mundial y son particularmente perceptibles allí donde los medios de subsistencia de la población dependen directamente de la naturaleza. Las consecuencias son pobreza, hambre y  catástrofes naturales.

Los cambios climáticos mundiales plantean nuevos desafíos a los actores del desarrollo debido a que afectan mucho más a los países y grupos de población pobres que a los ricos. El cambio climático tiene un impacto negativo en el desarrollo y pone en peligro los logros ya alcanzados. Es la razón por la que la protección del clima y la gestión del cambio climático adquieren cada día mayor importancia en la cooperación al desarrollo. El Programa global Cambio climático de la COSUDE tiene especialmente en cuenta esta tendencia.

Explotación forestal sostenible

Las medidas en materia de explotación agrícola y forestal tienen el potencial de compensar significativamente la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero producida actualmente en el mundo.

Vulnerabilidad y adaptación

Con el Programa global Cambio climático, la COSUDE presta especial apoyo a los grupos de población más vulnerables en distintos continentes en el ámbito de la adaptación al cambio climático.

Financiación de la lucha contra el cambio climático

Suiza integra la lucha contra el cambio climático en su política de desarrollo, aportando conocimientos especializados, soluciones técnicas y medios financieros.

Aprovisionamiento energético

Disponer de servicios energéticos modernos y utilizar eficientemente la energía son requisitos previos para optimizar los procesos de producción y lograr mejores condiciones de vida para la población.

Regiones de montaña – Desarrollo sostenible y adaptación al cambio climático

Las montañas son el hábitat de un quinto de la población mundial y la fuente de agua dulce para la mitad de todos los habitantes del planeta. Por tal motivo, Suiza promueve un desarrollo sostenible de las regiones de montaña.


Proyectos actuales

Objeto 1 – 12 de 113

Backstopping support for SDC’s Cluster Green thematic Knowledge Networks A+FS, CDE and RésEAU

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

As a globally active knowledge-based organisation, SDC is critically dependent on effective and efficient knowledge management. SDC’s thematic networks sit at the heart of this endeavour, rendering an essential service across the organisation and its partners by connecting network members, collecting and processing information, and retaining and distributing knowledge. State-of-the art backstopping services are essential to this activity, as is close cooperation between SDC’s thematic networks.

Voluntary Contribution to the Adaptation Fund (AF)

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

The Adaptation Fund (AF) has a proven track record for implementing innovative adaptation projects, including in SDC priority countries. It supports most vulnerable communities to increase their resilience and adaptation capacities in the face of the rapidly rising impacts of climate change including extreme weather events and slow onset processes. It is one of the four climate funds that reports to the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement.

Save the Children, Building Inclusive Resilience and Durable Solutions for forcibly displaced populations and vulnerable groups in Yobe State

01.12.2024 - 30.11.2027

Finding durable solutions for up to five hundred thousand current and formerly displaced persons (IDPs)  in Yobe State, Northeast Nigeria, is a critical step towards lasting peace and development in the region. This project, which is part of a multi-pronged SDC support to local authorities, will contribute to facilitate local  integration  and  return  of  IDPs  by  enhancing  agricultural  productivity,  providing  livelihood  and employment opportunities, strengthening community disaster risk reduction, and access to justice.   

Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action in the Andes

15.11.2024 - 31.12.2027

This project aims to increasing resilience to disasters through multi-hazard early warning systems and government-led early actions. It will build on experiences in selected watersheds in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, while promoting exchange through a regional and global Community of Practice including Swiss expertise at the forefront of technological alarm systems. The initiative shall serve to influence policies and financing mechanisms necessary to successfully implement anticipatory actions.

Clean Air Project in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (CAP IGP) - Phase 2

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

The Indo-Gangetic Plain is the most affected region by air pollution globally with severe health, economic and climatic impacts. With Swiss expertise, this project addresses transboundary air pollution with a financial contribution to the World Bank’s regional Air Quality Management program to provide cleaner air to 680 million people, by developing states and regional plans and supporting coordinated sectoral measures by decision-makers in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

Clean Air China (CAC) Consolidation Phase

15.10.2024 - 15.02.2026

Air pollution poses a  significant challenge  to public health, environmental sustainability and the climate particularly in Asian countries such as China. Knowing the sources of pollution is essential  to  formulate adequate policies. The Swiss Paul Scherrer  Institute  (PSI)  together with  its Chinese  partners from the Institute of Earth Environment (IEE) will transfer an innovative air pollution source identification  model  developed  under  phase  1  and  capacitate  the  cities  to  run  the  model  independently.  

Somali Resilience Programme (SomReP)

01.10.2024 - 31.12.2025

SomReP aims to foster sustainable livelihoods and increase the resilience of (agro-) pastoralist communities to climate shocks across Somalia. By supporting vulnerable communities to better cope with ecological disasters SomRep makes an important contribution to mitigate key drivers of fragility in Somalia and thereby promotes Switzerland’s interest to strengthen stability and economic develop ment in the Horn of Africa region.

Strengthening the Climate Adaptation Capacities in Georgia

01.10.2024 - 31.03.2027

Since 2017, Switzerland has contributed to national and international efforts to adapt to the increasing impacts of climate change in Georgia. It will continue to support the further development of the legal and policy  framework  for  natural  hazard mapping  and  zoning  in  2024-2027,  with  an  additional  focus  on strengthening the inclusion of women's voices, needs and capacities in disaster risk reduction. The project will also rely on the Swiss expertise on avalanche and landslide forecasting. 

Vietnam: SET Typhoon Yagi September 2024

10.09.2024 - 05.10.2024

As an emergency response to the suffering people in Vietnam impacted of the Typhoon Yagi, most powerful storm in the past 30 years, a rapid response team is deployed to Vietnam. It will assess and coordinate Swiss humanitarian assistance together with the Vietnam Disaster Management Authority in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Based on this assessment further action lines will be defined.

Andean Regional Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (ARIACC)

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2027

ARIACC aims to increase the resilience of Andean Family Agriculture to climate change by improving the implementation of relevant policies, building capacity, leveraging investments, scaling innovative practices and promoting regional and global knowledge exchange. Close multisectoral collaboration will ensure the sustainability and scaling of the initiative. The project builds on longstanding SDC experience in the region and consolidates successful achievements of Phase 1 while sharing them globally.

Tajikistan UNDRR - Strengthening Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change in Tajikistan (SRDCT)

01.09.2024 - 28.02.2026

Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to natural hazards and climate impacts, thus strengthening resilience needed as fundament for sustainable development. The intervention will contribute to (i) sustainable and effective mechanisms and instruments to improve risk governance through the national DRR platform,  (ii) improved risk knowledge through robust loss data collection and recording, and (iii) preparedness measures through support to multi-hazard Early Warning Systems and risk information.   

Voluntary Contribution to the Santiago Network

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028

The Santiago Network brings together developing countries' demand for technical assistance in the area of climate losses and damages with specialized providers of such assistance. In so doing, it supports these countries in preventing and minimizing such devastation and dealing with it once occurred. The network reports to the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement. Its secretariat is hosted by UNDRR and UNOPS and located in Geneva, affording it significance from a host-state perspective.

Objeto 1 – 12 de 113