Venezuela, IMPACT/REACH: Regional Information Management Support to the humanitarian response in Venezuela and to the Venezuelan crisis response within Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Limited access to official data and restrictions on publishing data related to the humanitarian needs remain as a challenge in Venezuela. With this second phase, IMPACT-REACH will continue to support humanitarian actors in their operational and strategic decision-making through the provision of high quality data about the needs of Venezuelans in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru and, enhance strengthening the coordination in order to make available all information gathered through a variety of assessments made within the four countries.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Asistencia humanitaria y RRC
Eficacia humanitaria
Protección, acceso y seguridad
Migración en general (aspectos de desarrollo y partenariados)
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
CHF  870’000

As of 2022, the humanitarian situation in Venezuela remains protracted, characterized by a deep sociopolitical crisis, chronic inflation, limited provision and availability of basic services. As a consequent, there are 7.7 million Venezuelans in the country in need of humanitarian assistance according to the Humanitarian Response Plans for Venezuela 2020 - 2023. In parallel, humanitarian actors in the country continue to face multiple challenges, including the politicization of humanitarian aid, administrative and bureaucratic impediments, the lack of access to official and realiable data on needs, among others. Although the Humanitarian Response Plans for Venezuela have been published, data from the Humanitarian Needs Overview remains unpublished, highlighting the limited access to official data.

Consequently, as of November 2022, there are 7.1 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the world, from which 5.9 million are in Latin America and the Caribbean. Colombia remains the main hosting country of Venezuelans migrants, with 2.4 million while also facing resurgent violence, internal displacement, and 7.7 million of Colombian people in need, according to their Humanitarian Needs Overview 2022. Similarly, Peru is the second hosting country with 1.4 million Venezuelan, followed by Ecuador with 502’000. The strict measures imposed by goverments of Ecuador and Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic and the pandemic itself, severely impacted the economies, with refugees and migrants particularly affected. 

Objetivos Produce and provide high quality and timely data about the humanitarian needs in Venezuela and on the humanitarian needs of Venezuelan migrants and host communities in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to the humanitarian actors in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Grupos destinarios

Total direct beneficiaries: 35 humanitarian actors (including UN agencies, International and national NGOs, civil society actors, local authorities and other stakeholders). 

Total indirect beneficiaries: Approximately 300 actors involved more widely within the humanitarian responses of the countries of intervention (including UN agencies, International and national NGOs, civil society actors, local authorities and other stakeholders).

Efectos a medio plazo

Outcome 1: Humanitarian actors are provided with regular, robust and high-quality information products on the current humanitarian needs and humanitarian situation in Venezuela and of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees and host communities in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Outcome 2: Joint coordination of assessments and information management activities in the humanitarian responses in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru is improved, in order to harmonise and reduce duplication of efforts among humanitarian actors conducting similar assessment activities.


Resultados previstos:  

Under Outcome 1:

  • 36 humanitarian situation monitoring information products in Venezuela
  • 6 market situation reports of price monitoring and market functionality findings in Venezuela.
  • Bi-Annual Area-Based assessments situation overviews of key urban areas affected by displacement in Colombia.
  • 6 Joint Market Monitoring Initiative situation overviews of key findings, including thematic mapping and visualization of findings in Colombia.
  • 6 Joint Market Monitoring Initiative situation overviews of price monitoring and market functionality findings in Ecuador.
  • 6 Joint Market Monitoring Initiative situation overviews of price monitoring and market functionality findings in Peru.

Under Outcome 2:

  • 6 Joint regional migration monitoring information products
  • 2 secondment of staff to OCHA and UNICEF-led clusters in Venezuela

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

  • Over 160 information products (datasets, maps, factsheets and reports) jointly developed and disseminated by 90 humanitarian actors in Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil.
  • IMPACT’s Humanitarian Situation Monitoring assessment was used by OCHA and clusters for the Humanitarian Response Plan for Venezuela 2022-2023.
  • Data and key findings from IMPACT assessments directly used and/or quoted in the Regionald Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Colombia and Brazil, the Humanitarian Needs Overview and Humanitarian Response Planning.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • IMPACT Initiatives (IMPACT) is a leading Swiss-registered not-profit association, created in 2010 in order to promote more effective aid action and practices. REACH is a joint initiative of IMPACT and its sister-organization ACTED.

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores All activities will be developed and implemented in close coordination and engagement with relevant coordination strcutres, especially OCHA, UNICEF, the Clusters, and the INGO forum, in Venezuela; the Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Plartform led by UNHCR and IOM; the Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos platform and the Cash Working Group in Colombia, and the Cash Working Groups in Ecuador and Peru. In addition, REACH will work closely with Catholic Relief Services and the Caritas regional network.
For secondary data reviews of any existing data, REACH will coordinate with DTM of IOM, WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, and (I)NGOs. 
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    870’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    770’000
Fases del proyecto Fase 2 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024   (Fase en curso)