La salud: factor esencial de desarrollo

La acción de la COSUDE en el área de la salud

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La acción de la COSUDE en el área de la salud se centra en tres temas: el refuerzo  de los sistemas de salud, la lucha contra las enfermedades  transmisibles y no transmisibles y la mejora de la salud sexual, reproductiva, materna, neonatal e infantil. La COSUDE interviene en países de ingresos  bajos y medios, en contextos estables o frágiles así como en economías en transición.

Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud

Reforzar los sistemas de salud para una cobertura sanitaria universal; promover la buena gobernanza y la protección social.

Salud sexual y reproductiva

Mejorar la salud de las madres, de los recién nacidos y de los niños, y promover una vida sexual y reproductiva y los derechos conectados.


Adoptar estrategias sanitarias de prevención y diagnóstico, y fomentar el tratamiento de las enfermedades no transmisibles; apoyar financieramente la prevención, el tratamiento y la investigación de nuevos medicamentos e instrumentos de diagnóstico.


Proyectos actuales

Objeto 1 – 12 de 112

Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases – Healthy Life Project

01.10.2024 - 30.06.2028

Since 2015, Switzerland supports Moldova in addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their impact on the population’s health. The Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine hindered the progress and increased the fragility of Moldova’s health system. In its exit phase, the project will focus on the sustainability of the improvements introduced in NCD prevention and control. By improving the performance of the public health and the primary healthcare systems, the project also strengthens the overall resilience of Moldovan’s health system.

Moldova: Continuity of care in case of catastrophic health events – Care4Living

01.10.2024 - 30.09.2028

Switzerland will support Moldovan health authorities in reforming the emergency care system and in building rehabilitation services in order to ensure timely medical care in cases of medical and public health emergencies. The program will contribute to enhancing the chances to survival and recovery for patients who are at risk or have suffered catastrophic health events (stroke, heart attack, multiple trauma). The program will use the development of healthcare services as a vehicle to foster dialogue between Moldova and its breakaway region of Transnistria. 

Appui au renforcement des capacités de résilience des populations vulnérables du Batha – REPAR

16.09.2024 - 15.09.2027

L’intervention vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations vulnérables de la province du Batha de manière holistique, à travers une approche prenant en compte à la fois les activités de développement et humanitaire. Le projet appuie la mise en place d’un mécanisme local durable de prévention et de gestion des crises alimentaires, l’augmentation des revenus des ménages vulnérables et l’assistance alimentaire pendant les périodes de soudure.

Health Enhancement and Lifesaving (HEAL) Ukraine

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

By supporting the World Bank Health Enhancement and Lifesaving (HEAL) project, Switzerland contributes to alleviating the negative consequences of the war by restoring and improving access to essential healthcare - specifically services disrupted by the war - and by modernizing hospital care and support key health institutions. As a priority, HEAL addresses urgent needs for mental health and rehabilitation services.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC) MEDAIR : Réponse multisectorielle d’urgence (en santé, nutrition, EHA) en faveur des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits et les épidémies au Nord Kivu et Ituri

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

La crise humanitaire à l’est de la RDC est liée à la persistance des conflits armés et intercommunautaires, aux épidémies et à la faible gouvernance, entrainant des besoins humanitaires aigus depuis trois décennies. Grâce à cette intervention en santé primaire et secondaire, nutrition, eau, hygiène et assainissement, la Suisse contribue à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité des personnes affectées par les conflits, tout en renforçant leur résilience face aux futures maladies.

Ensuring equitable access of refugees to quality health services in the Republic of Moldova (single-phase project)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025

The proposed initiative aims to provide equitable access to quality health care for refugees with temporary protection, in line with the priorities of both the Moldovan and Swiss governments. By strengthening the capacity of Moldovan health care authorities and service providers, it will address critical gaps in the delivery of health services for refugees and establish sustainable financing and monitoring mechanisms for such services. The project also seeks to raise awareness among refugees and health care providers on health care packages available to refugees.

MICS: Building national statistical capacity for SDG data collection, analysis and reporting in Bangladesh

01.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

This project aims to gather crucial data on children's and women's well-being through the 'Multi Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS)' to contribute in policy design. Additionally, it aims to enhance national statistical capacity to collect internationally comparable estimates of key indicators for monitoring SDGs and national priorities. The project will continue Switzerland's long-standing tradition of supporting data and statistical capacity in developing countries.

Fonds d’Appui au Développement des Communes (FADeC)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

La Suisse à travers sa contribution au Fonds d’Appui au Développement des Communes (FADeC) poursuit et renforce son engagement dans la décentralisation financière au Bénin. Celle-ci vise l’amélioration de l’accès inclusif des populations (enfants, jeunes, adultes hommes et femmes, etc.) à des services sociaux de base de qualité. La Suisse contribue ainsi à la réduction de la pauvreté par un développement communal harmonisé.

Regional Pediatric Heart Examination and Surgery

01.06.2024 - 31.05.2026

This humanitarian aid initiative fosters regional solidarity and friendship between the countries, as Mongolia is well known for its international peace missions, and regional peace and security cooperation. Heart examinations of children with heart defects in DPRK, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Mongolia will be carried out. If necessary, children will undergo open heart surgery in Mongolia. The capacity building of cardiologists and medical professionals is an integral part.

Progressing towards Universal Health Coverage in Moldova

01.05.2024 - 30.06.2027

Switzerland supports Moldova’s efforts to achieve better health of the population, through ensuring universal access to affordable medical services of good quality. In its 2nd (exit) phase, the project will accompany the health authorities in advancing health financing and service delivery reforms, improving the efficiency and responsiveness of the healthcare system, promoting transparency and accountability in the health sector, and empowering service users and civil society organizations to oversee healthcare services, their quality and resource allocation.

Community-based Health Services and System Strengthening Support in Sagaing

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Three years after the military coup in Myanmar, targeted attacks and scrutiny in the health sector by the military junta led to a partial or total lack of access to healthcare in various regions, particularly in the dry zone. Through this project, Switzerland aims to support locally-led and inclusive community-based health system in Sagaing to provide essential, emergency, quality primary health care services, while ensuring the transition to a new decentralized and inclusive health system.

Community Health Provision in Somalia (CHASP)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The programme provides maternal and child health services in Somalia in targeted facilities. It strengthens the capacities of regional and district health authorities including of health personnel working in these facilities. The programme promotes access in terms of basic health services and skilled health personnel at decentralized levels. This is connected to the Swiss interest of promoting service provision and good governance capacities especially at grassroot levels, which also feeds into the transformation/ development agenda of Somalia.

Objeto 1 – 12 de 112