KOS: Matching Skills for Jobs ( MSJ)

The "Matching Skills to Jobs" (MSJ) project aims to strengthen Vocational Education Training system through policy reforms, strategic planning, and capacity building of VET governing institutions to deliver highquality education that aligns with market demands. Simultaneously, the project will facilitate structured cooperation between VET institutions and the private sector by developing specialized training programs to meet better labour market needs through industry-led solutions. 

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Formation professionelle
Formation professionnelle
Formation technique supérieure de gestion
01.01.2023 - 30.11.2029
CHF  7’647’000
Contexte Kosovo has experienced steady economic growth over the past 15 years, with an average annual GDP increase of 4%. Despite this progress, the country continues to face significant challenges, particularly in its labour market where a persistent skills mismatch and inadequate employment opportunities, especially for youth and women, remain pressing concerns. The VET system is characterized by outdated curricula, inadequate resources, and a complex governance structure that hinders effective policy implementation. These issues contribute to a skills gap that leaves many positions unfilled and limits the country’s economic potential. The situation is further complicated by limited/insufficient involvement of private sector in VET reforms, which extends the gap between education and employment needs.
Objectifs Kosovo women and men, including disadvantaged and excluded groups, benefit from well-functioning labour market thanks to attractive, industry relevant-VET that enables them to acquire professional skills and find decent jobs. In addition, the private sector increases its productivity by having a well-trained workforce that meets the needs of the industry.
Groupes cibles

Women and men, including disadvantaged and excluded groups, unemployed and underemployed persons, and individuals not in employment or education that access and use industry relevant-VET to acquire professional skills and improve employment.

VET governing institutions such as; Ministry of Education Science Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Agency for Vocational education and Training (AVETAE), Ministry of Finance labor and transfers (MFLT) National qualification Authority (NQA), Municipal Education Departments (MED), including relevant public and private VET training providers Private sector who will actively participate in enhancing the VET system to deliver market-relevant training through industry-led solutions and increase productivity through high skilled labour.

Effets à moyen terme

Outcome  1: Well-functioning VET governing institutions are enabled to provide a higher quality and more relevant VET in close cooperation with the private sector

Outcome  2:  The private sector improves labour productivity and meets its skills needs by utilizing advanced and specialized training programs, which are developed based on industry-driven solutions in collaboration with public and private VET institutions


Principaux résultats attendus:  

  • The VET governance system is improved, with VET governing institutions strengthened
  • VET governing institutions apply new modalities of cooperation with the private sector and international peers.
  • Advanced and specialised work-based training programs to meet private sector current and future skills needs are developed and implemented. 
  • The private sector has improved junior to mid-level managerial capacities through industry-driven development programs.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:   This will be the first implementation phase of the project. In March 2024, the implementing organization Swisscontact, selected via a tender, launched the inception phase of MSJ. The main aim of the inception phase was to design the project through an extensive consultation process with key stakeholders including government, private sector, civil society. A situational analysis on gender and social inclusion was conducted at the project’s outset to identify existing disparities and inform targeted interventions, ensuring that gender considerations are integrated throughout the MSJ project lifecycle. Further analyses were carried out on specific sectors, as well as a Political Economy analysis of the current socioeconomic and political climate of Kosovo. These studies provide a comprehensive understanding of the specific needs and opportunities within key sectors in the context of Kosovo, ensuring that project interventions are wellinformed and strategically targeted. The inception phase laid a strong foundation for the subsequent implementation stage, ensuring that the project’s strategies were tailored to effectively address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Kosovo’s dynamic context.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération avec l'Europe de l'Est
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Organisation suisse à but non lucratif
  • Secteur privé suisse
  • Swisscontact

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs
  • Complementarity with the likeminded donors GIZ, ADA, Lux/Dev and EU IPA projects
  • Synergies with other Swiss interventions: PPSE, future GPEK project, DEMOS especially for interventions at municipal level.
  • Close coordination will be ensured with the Regional Challenge Fund to which SDC contributes, especially related to labour market relevant training provision.
  • SCO-K actively participates in donor coordination in the areas of Vocational Skills development etc. 
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    7’647’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    977’423 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   580’000 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF   13’950’000