IDB TVET Multidonor Trust Fund

Projet terminé

The Fund’s objective is for IDB to support the initiatives transforming the TVET through the creation of modern, private-sector driven training ecosystems that endow people with the necessary skills to develop successful lifelong learning labor trajectories and boost the region's economic development. SDC’s contribution finances the Fund and facilitates the access to highly valued Swiss and SDC expertise.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Amérique latine
Formation professionelle
Formation professionnelle
Politique d'éducation
Contribution à l'élargissement de l'UE
01.10.2019 - 30.06.2024
CHF  2’000’000
Contexte LAC countries face significant problems of labor productivity growth and, rapid economic and technological changes are profoundly changing labor demand and supply. TVET offers better labor market outcomes and employment prospects compared to general education. Coverage of TVET in the LAC region is relatively low if compared with other education strands and absent in the informal sector. It lacks a systemic design geared towards providing high quality education and linking learning to decent work attainment and productivity enhancement. The region needs to transform TVET into a modern training ecosystem, private sector driven. The development of more flexible learning possibilities will be essential for a society where TVET forms an integral part of life-long learning ecosystems that develop skills for economic growth and productivity.
Objectifs The Fund for the Transformation of TVET finances the creation of modern, private-sector driven training ecosystems that endow people with the necessary skills to develop successful lifelong learning trajectories and boost the region's economic development.
Groupes cibles Public and private sector actors cooperate and perform better in the interest of the young who profit from the transformed TVET systems in selected IDB borrowing countries and, thanks to knowledge sharing, even beyond.
Effets à moyen terme
  • Increased private sector participation in TVET System.
  • Improved match between skills demand and supply.
  • Increased responsiveness of TVET Systems.

Principaux résultats attendus:  

  1. Private sector participation channels established
  2. Skills profiles, learning methodologies and insertion schemes innovated
  3. Capacity built for the better management of TVET systems
  4. Strategic knowledge provided to key stakeholders

Principaux résultats antérieurs:   The IDB’s operational experience and knowledge in programs and policy support for the TVET area is strong and wide. IDB contributes to the development of education, training and labor markets in the region through knowledge products, financing, and technical assistance. For example, it has developed a new national apprenticeship program in the Bahamas and  reformed the current in Barbados; reformed curricula in technical education, developed an internships system and a dual education pilot in Mexico; changed policy in TVET in Chile and Uruguay; improved and expanded TVET in the DR and skills actions plans in Barbados, Bahamas, El Salvador and Chile; strengthened employers’ engagement in Barbados, Brazil, Bahamas, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Trinidad and Tobago; made training services in Chile more effective; linked skills development to occupational vacancies in Argentina.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération au développement
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Institution financière internationale (IFI)
  • Banque interaméricaine de développement (other)

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Donor Committee on Dual Vocational Education and Training (DCDVET)
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    2’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    2’000’000
Phases du projet

Phase 1 01.10.2019 - 30.06.2024   (Completed)