Caritas - Child Protection and Psychosocial Support in Western Libya

Progetto concluso

United Nations (UN) assessments indicate the need to improve psychosocial well-being of children and families traumatised by the war against Gaddafi. For a long-term recovery, it is critical to support the war-affected children and women by directly addressing their needs and to train teachers. A financial contribution is needed to increase the knowledge / capacity and quality of childcare providers, authorities and general public. DanishChurch Aid (DCA) in cooperation with Caritas offers support for children by providing sports events, dance, drama as well as training sessions for teachers. DCA will partner with organisations promoting women empowerment and providing Mine Risk Education (MRE). This project will give Switzerland the opportunity to take part in Libya’s recovery and invest money where it is needed. The Ministry of Education (MoE) is part of this project.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Assistenza umanitaria & RRC
Assistenza materiale
Rafforzamento dei sistemi sanitari
Secondary education
01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012
CHF  215’000
Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Aiuto umanitario
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Organizzazione svizzera senza scopo di lucro
  • Caritas Svizzera

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    215’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    215’000
Fasi del progetto

Fase 1 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012   (Completed)