Agricoltura e sicurezza alimentare
La fame e la denutrizione mettono in pericolo non solo la salute degli individui, ma essenzialmente anche lo sviluppo di interi Paesi. La DSC s’impegna affinché tutti abbiano un’alimentazione adeguata, sufficiente e di buona qualità. In quest’ottica attribuisce importanza all’intera catena della creazione di valore dei generi alimentari, che inizia dai campi nei quali si producono gli alimenti, prosegue con lo stoccaggio, la lavorazione, i mercati, il commercio, i trasporti e finisce sulle tavole dei consumatori.
La DSC si impegna a livello mondiale per il diritto degli esseri umani a un’alimentazione adeguata. Pianifica le sue attività con l’obiettivo di dare alle fasce della popolazione più povere e svantaggiate come i piccoli agricoltori, le donne e i giovani un accesso equo al sapere, alle risorse produttive e ai mercati. In questo contesto la DSC sostiene queste fasce della popolazione nell’uso produttivo e parsimonioso delle risorse naturali, nella gestione degli effetti del cambiamento climatico, nello stoccaggio e nella commercializzazione dei loro prodotti e nel costante adattamento a condizioni ambientali sempre diverse. In tutto questo, essa presta particolare attenzione alla conservazione della biodiversità altamente minacciata. Al contempo lavora anche per creare sistemi di consulenza e ricerca orientati alle esigenze.
La DSC promuove inoltre innovazioni lungo le catene di creazione di valore dei generi alimentari, che consentono ai consumatori e alle consumatrici un’alimentazione sana e variata nonché l’accesso ad alimenti adeguati, sia nelle aree rurali che in quelle urbane.
Un’agricoltura sostenibile che assicura un’alimentazione sana e preservi la biodiversità è la base per garantire a tutti il diritto a un’alimentazione adeguata. Alla luce di questo obiettivo, la Svizzera s’impegna nel settore della sicurezza alimentare nell’ambito della cooperazione internazionale. In quest’ottica l’agricoltura svizzera, con la sua produzione alimentare multifunzionale orientata all’equilibrio sociale e regionale, basata sulle famiglie e rispettosa dell’ambiente, funge da modello.
Progetti attuali
Backstopping support for SDC’s Cluster Green thematic Knowledge Networks A+FS, CDE and RésEAU
- 31.12.2028
As a globally active knowledge-based organisation, SDC is critically dependent on effective and efficient knowledge management. SDC’s thematic networks sit at the heart of this endeavour, rendering an essential service across the organisation and its partners by connecting network members, collecting and processing information, and retaining and distributing knowledge. State-of-the art backstopping services are essential to this activity, as is close cooperation between SDC’s thematic networks.
Appui au renforcement des capacités de résilience des populations vulnérables du Batha – REPAR
- 15.09.2027
L’intervention vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations vulnérables de la province du Batha de manière holistique, à travers une approche prenant en compte à la fois les activités de développement et humanitaire. Le projet appuie la mise en place d’un mécanisme local durable de prévention et de gestion des crises alimentaires, l’augmentation des revenus des ménages vulnérables et l’assistance alimentaire pendant les périodes de soudure.
Food security and livelihood assistance to conflict-affected populations in Northeast Nigeria
- 31.08.2027
Food insecurity and malnutrition remain prevalent across Northeast Nigeria, driven by insecurity leading to displacement and lack of access to farmland. This is further compounded since 2023 by soaring inflation. The situation is affecting up to 4.8 million food insecure people in 2024. SDC’s continued funding to FAO seeks to further strengthen the resilience of crisis-affected people by sustainably improving their food production and productivity with a particular focus on women.
Andean Regional Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (ARIACC)
- 31.08.2027
ARIACC aims to increase the resilience of Andean Family Agriculture to climate change by improving the implementation of relevant policies, building capacity, leveraging investments, scaling innovative practices and promoting regional and global knowledge exchange. Close multisectoral collaboration will ensure the sustainability and scaling of the initiative. The project builds on longstanding SDC experience in the region and consolidates successful achievements of Phase 1 while sharing them globally.
Tajikistan UNDRR - Strengthening Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change in Tajikistan (SRDCT)
- 28.02.2026
Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to natural hazards and climate impacts, thus strengthening resilience needed as fundament for sustainable development. The intervention will contribute to (i) sustainable and effective mechanisms and instruments to improve risk governance through the national DRR platform, (ii) improved risk knowledge through robust loss data collection and recording, and (iii) preparedness measures through support to multi-hazard Early Warning Systems and risk information.
Gender Equality in Food Systems
- 31.12.2027
Gender-based discrimination, or the denial of women’s rights, is one of the major causes of poverty and food insecurity. The support from SDC contributes to women’s economic empowerment and the sustainable and transformative change in their livelihoods. FAO, IFAD, WFP and UN Women together tackle the barriers to gender equality at global, regional and national levels, including through the uptake of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls Empowerment.
Assistance multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les déplacements, Beni & Oicha, Nord Kivu
- 31.07.2026
Les conflits armés à l’est de la RDC entrainent des déplacements récurrents de population, des violences sur les civils, la perte de moyens d’existence ainsi que des besoins humanitaires importants. Dans la continuité des deux phases antérieures, cette intervention vise à renforcer la résilience des populations affectées par les conflits par une intervention en sécurité alimentaire, moyens de subsistance et eau, hygiène et assainissement, dans 4 zones de santé du territoire de Beni, au Nord Kivu.
Responsible Business Fund Plus (RBF+)
- 30.06.2028
Myanmar’s post-coup conflict escalation and economic turmoil has led to financial and economic instability and destabilised the agrifood industry. Also, extreme weather and climate change further impact farmers and agricultural processors. The Responsible Business Fund Plus project aims to support agrifood businesses while reducing their environmental impact and thus deepening Switzerland's commitment to private sector engagement and an inclusive green economy.
Futuro Microbank
- 31.12.2027
The microfinance institution Futuro Mcb, SA currently provides financial services (loans, savings, insurance) to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) mainly in and around Nampula city. Switzerland will continue to support Futuro with a grant for technical assistance that will help the bank to expand its impact by providing financial services to more low-income entrepreneurs in more regions in Northern Mozambique, thus allowing them to enhance their income and create more jobs.
Scaling Up Youth Employment in Agriculture Initiative
- 30.04.2028
In Zambia and Zimbabwe, due to a mismatch between the skills they have and those in demand, youth cannot access or create economic opportunities and overlook those available. The project builds skills and matches youth with firms, markets and finance to create more and better (self)-employment in agri-food, renewable energy and emerging sectors, contributing to Swiss priorities on human and economic development and climate change. This is a contribution implemented by SNV.
Up-Scaling ARC's Risk Transfer System
- 06.07.2026
Switzerland is playing a leading role in the development of innovative financial instruments to mitigate climate risks. This project aims to support the African Union's African Risk Capacity, an early warning and risk transfer system, in protecting 175’000 smallholder rice farmers in Côte d'Ivoire as a pilot project against drought, excessive rainfall and other climate-related challenges, and to strengthen their resilience and sustainability in the face of environmental uncertainties.
UNHAS - Accès aux bénéficiaires en Afrique de l’Ouest
- 31.12.2027
Dans un contexte d’insécurité alimentaire croissante et d’accès humanitaire précaire au Sahel, le service aérien humanitaire des Nations Unies (UNHAS) permet d’accéder aux populations dans le besoin grâce à un transport sûr et rapide de personnes et de biens. La contribution à UNHAS permettra d’atteindre les populations vulnérables dans les régions reculées ou enclavées et d’assurer le suivi des programmes suisses.