Lotta alla corruzione per rendere possibile lo sviluppo

Grafico: Due mani si avvicinano da destra e da sinistra, come per stringersi in un saluto, ma in una mano sono nascoste delle banconote.
La DSC lotta contro ogni forma di corruzione – per esempio il versamento di bustarelle per ottenere prestazioni mediche. © DSC

La corruzione ostacola lo sviluppo: mezzi finanziari consistenti vanno perduti, la fiducia della popolazione nello Stato vacilla e lascia il posto a un sentimento d’impotenza e ingiustizia che può provocare conflitti. Il fenomeno penalizza in modo particolare le fasce meno abbienti e più vulnerabili della popolazione che non possono permettersi di pagare bustarelle o tangenti per i servizi pubblici. La DSC combatte la corruzione con la massima determinazione. 

La Svizzera attribuisce grande importanza alla lotta contro la corruzione, un elemento fondamentale della promozione del buongoverno. Gli interventi si focalizzano sulla trasparenza e il senso di responsabilità dello Stato, ma anche sul sanzionamento dei comportamenti scorretti.

Si tratta di far sì che le risorse pubbliche siano utilizzate in modo efficace ed efficiente per lo sviluppo del Paese in questione e che cresca la fiducia della popolazione nei confronti dello Stato. Istituzioni statali e processi politici non dovrebbero più essere minati alla base da pratiche corrotte. Regole del gioco più eque possono contribuire a ridurre le tensioni. 

Ambiti e modalità d’intervento

La DSC combatte la piccola corruzione quotidiana che rende difficile la vita della gente (p. es. il pagamento di bustarelle per ottenere prestazioni mediche), ma anche la corruzione in grande stile nella quale sono coinvolti politici e imprenditori potenti e sono in gioco somme di denaro consistenti. La strategia adottata è a doppio binario: si combatte il fenomeno con specifici programmi e, parallelamente, si porta avanti la lotta anche nel quadro di programmi riguardanti altri ambiti tematici. Tutti gli aspetti sono presi in considerazione: corruzione, tangenti, truffe, malversazione, nepotismo, accordi illeciti sui prezzi e estorsioni.

Politica di tolleranza zero

Qualora si verifichi un caso di corruzione in attività sostenute dalla DSC, i successivi versamenti vengono di norma sospesi finché non sono conclusi gli accertamenti giuridici. Si fa inoltre il possibile per recuperare i fondi versati indebitamente

A chi rivolgersi in caso di sospetti?

Il Compliance Office DFAE è incaricato di ricevere e dare seguito a segnalazioni interne ed esterne relative a casi di corruzione o di abuso nelle attività finanziate dalla DSC.

Compliance Office DFAE – Segnalare corruzione, malversazioni e abusi 

In alternativa, i casi sospetti possono essere segnalati anche al Controllo federale delle finanze tramite la piattaforma esterna protetta di whistleblowing.

Piattaforma di whistleblowing, Controllo federale delle finanze (CFF)


Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 25

Public Service Improvement (PSI) in the Kyrgyz Republic

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028

To improve people's quality of life, municipalities need to deliver efficiently and effectively services such as safe drinking water, waste collection, cultural facilities in a socially inclusive and gender responsive manner. In rural Kyrgyzstan, their capacities still need to be improved in a sustainable way. To achieve this, the project will develop the municipalities' support system which shall then provide adequate counseling and training to those municipalities today and in the long run.

Strengthening local governance and civic space in Uzbekistan

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2028

The programme will strengthen inclusive local governance, gender-based violence prevention and the civic space in Uzbekistan. It promotes an active civil society and civic engagement of youth and vulnerable groups at local level (locally-led development). Switzerland brings high credibility in local governance and human  rights and acts as convenor and bridge builder. The multi-stakeholder set up with UN, non-governmental organizations and local authorities offers a variety of entry points, allowing agile steering in the complex political environment.  

Good Financial Governance (GFG)

Good Financial Governance - Longido, Arusha

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The project contributes to strengthen Tanzania’s public financial system, a central element to cement its economic status. The 3rd phase aims at expanding the mobilization of domestic revenue and improving the government’s expenditure control. It shall strengthen interinstitutional mechanisms for tax data exchange, enhance the audit system, and improve public procurement. At policy level, it seeks to develop an evidence-based and gender responsive fiscal strategy for better public service delivery to benefit the population, especially the poor.

Decentralisation for inclusive development

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Mozambique implements the decentralization reform as agreed in the Maputo Peace Agreement brokered by Switzerland in 2018. Considering political power sharing highly relevant for the country’s stability, the programme supports the effective implementation of the decentralisation’s policies and reforms. The interventions aim to improve the quality of basic services delivered by local governments in Niassa and Nampula provinces, and to enhance accountability, transparency, inclusion and equity in the local decision-making processes through civic participation. 

Strengthening Civil Society in Myanmar – Paung Ku

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

In Myanmar, civic space has considerably shrunk since the military coup. In the absence of a legitimate government, networks of independent civil society organisations (CSOs) are essential actors for basic service provision and promotion of democratic values and human rights. Showing commitment to localisation, Switzerland will enable local CSOs to further support vulnerable communities and to protect the foundations of a pluralistic and inclusive society.  

Consolidating Community Recovery, Peace-building and Local Governance (COMPEL)

01.05.2023 - 31.12.2025

Somalia is slowly emerging from one of the most complex and protracted conflicts. Over the past decade, peacebuilding and state-building processes, while navigating conflict, climate crisis and political fragility, maintained an incrementally positive trajectory. In investing in civil society engagement and building of local institutions and capacities all over Somalia, Switzerland is contributing in the establishment and strengthening of sustainable, community-driven, inclusive institutions necessary to deliver services and sustainable peace. 

Accountability for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda 2023-2026

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

The implementation of the 2030 Agenda is guided by a follow-up and review process that supports accountability for the Agenda at national, regional and global levels. With this contribution to a set of partners notably from civil society, Switzerland enables key stakeholders to take part in the review processes for more inclusive monitoring of progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind.

Somalia: Strengthening State Institutions for better service delivery

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

The Multi-Partner-Fund (MPF) provided an umbrella to prepare the World Bank’s (WB) re-engagement in Somalia. It has become a powerful tool for donors to pool resources and enabled the WB to engage with Somali authorities to gradually advance reform implementation related to revenue and financial policy, as well as public financial management (PFM). Through this project, Switzerland supports the incremental strengthening of core state institutions in Somalia and contributes ultimately to stability and socio-economic recovery of the country.

SYNAD - Programme d’Appui au Système National de Décentralisation

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026

Au Burkina Faso, les institutions nationales sont encore insuffisamment capables d’assurer leurs tâches de coordination, de financement et d’appui technique à la décentralisation. La Suisse soutient les institutions chargées de mettre en œuvre cette réforme, afin d’accroître l’accès aux services de base, de réduire la pauvreté et de prévenir l’extrémisme violent. Elle reste engagée en combinant ses instruments de coopération et montre son soutien dans un contexte de crises sécuritaire et humanitaire.  

Programme de Valorisation du Potentiel Agro-Pastoral dans l’Est du Burkina Faso (VALPAPE) Phase 3

01.01.2023 - 31.01.2026

La région de l’Est du Burkina Faso est affectée par une grave crise sécuritaire et humanitaire qui risque d’annihiler les bons résultats des dernières années sur le plan agropastoral. Aussi, la Suisse veut contribuer à la sauvegarde des acquis de développement tout en renforçant les moyens d'existence des personnes vulnérables touchées par des déplacements. En facilitant leur réinsertion socioéconomique, le programme participe à réduire leur vulnérabilité à l’extrême pauvreté et à l’insécurité alimentaire.

Contribution to non-state local governance actors

15.11.2022 - 31.12.2026

The project is a contribution to and a strategic partnership with the Coalition of three major non-state actors in the promotion and strengthening of local governance in Kyrgyzstan. They will be financially and technically capacitated and empowered to play their role in advancing local democracy and local governance for the benefit of people in Kyrgyzstan. The partnership builds on over 10 years of Swiss support in local governance in Kyrgyzstan as well as on ownership by the government.

Bashki të Forta (BtF) - Strong Municipalities

01.08.2022 - 30.09.2026

The project aims at strengthening capacities of all 61 albanian municipalities (executive and councils) to assume their functions. Citizens will benefit from improved services based on standards and reliable data. A national performance based system of grants will contribute to improve municipal governance and will incentivise municipalities to perform better.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 25