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Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis nimmt in Berlin an der dritten Ukraine Recovery Conference teil (de)

10.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
Die Schweiz unterstützt seit Beginn des Krieges den Wiederaufbauprozess in der Ukraine. Am 11. und 12. Juni 2024 nimmt Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis deshalb an der dritten Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) teil, die in Berlin als Folgekonferenz der URC von Lugano (2022) und London (2023) durchgeführt wird. Im Zentrum der Konferenz in Berlin stehen unter anderem der Einbezug des Privatsektors, soziale Aspekte sowie die Förderung der lokalen und regionalen Entwicklung.

Summit on Peace in Ukraine: state of preparations and security measures

10.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
90 states and organisations have so far registered to attend the summit on peace in Ukraine at the Bürgenstock (NW) on 15/16 June. The aim of the high-level meeting of heads of state and government is to develop a common understanding for a possible path towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. This will then form the basis for a peace process. On 10 June, President Viola Amherd, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and Nidwalden Cantonal Councillor Karin Kayser-Frutschi, together with Stephan Grieder, head of operations and chief of the Nidwalden Cantonal Police, and Major General Daniel Keller, Commander of Territorial Division 2, gave a briefing on the state of preparations and security measures.

Switzerland supporting Ukraine in digitalisation and e-governance

07.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 7 June, the Federal Council decided to continue supporting Ukraine in the areas of digitalisation and e-governance, approving CHF 58.7 million for this purpose over the next four years. Switzerland is thus promoting democratic reforms in Ukraine through digitalisation and at the same time increasing the transparency of state-provided services. Both areas are of crucial importance for Ukraine to rebuild.

Summit on Peace in Ukraine at the Bürgenstock: Confederation to contribute to security costs

07.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
The Summit on Peace in Ukraine will take place on 15 and 16 June 2024 at the Bürgenstock resort in the canton of Nidwalden. A major security operation is in place to ensure the safety of the event and those attending. At its meeting on 7 June 2024, the Federal Council decided to consider the summit an 'extraordinary event'. This means that the Confederation will contribute to the security costs borne by the canton of Nidwalden.

David Grichting appointed head of the FDFA's Directorate for Resources DR

07.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
The Federal Council appointed David Grichting as the new head of the Directorate for Resources (DR) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in its meeting on 7 June 2024. David Grichting currently heads the FDFA’s Consular Directorate (CD). He will take up his new post on 1 January 2025 succeeding to Tania Cavassini, who has been appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the French Republic and the Principality of Monaco by the Federal Council. The FDFA will appoint a selection committee to to evaluate candidates to succeed David Grichting.

Switzerland elected to ECOSOC for 2025–26 term

07.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
After 2010, 2014 and 2019, Switzerland has been elected for the fourth time to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2025–26 term. ECOSOC is one of the UN's main bodies in the field of sustainable development.

Flooding in Armenia: Switzerland deploys specialists from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit

04.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
Heavy rain has caused flooding in northern Armenia, leading to considerable loss of life and destruction of property. Water and mud levels reached almost two metres in some areas and destroyed a large number of homes and infrastructure. At the request of the Armenian authorities, Switzerland is deploying specialists from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit to the affected areas. In particular, they will be responsible for assessing the structural soundness of bridges and other infrastructure. Switzerland has earmarked up to CHF 500,000 to support efforts on the ground.

Ignazio Cassis receives Niger's foreign minister in Bern

27.05.2024 — Press releases EDA
On 27 May 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis received Bakary Yaou Sangaré, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Nigeriens Abroad of the Republic of Niger, in Bern. The official working visit took place within the context of the long-standing relations of friendship and cooperation between Switzerland and Niger. The talks focused on the prospects for normalisation in Niger and the challenges facing the region.

Switzerland supports future of Syria and neighbouring countries with CHF 60 million

27.05.2024 — Press releases EDA
The Syrian population is still suffering from the consequences of the ongoing conflict that began in 2011, and these are also being felt in neighbouring countries. Switzerland reaffirmed its commitment by pledging CHF 60 million at the 8th Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region on 27 May 2024.

Protection for humanitarian personnel: UN Security Council adopts Swiss resolution

24.05.2024 — Press releases EDA
On 24 May 2024, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution for the protection of humanitarian and UN personnel in conflict zones. The resolution, which was negotiated and submitted by Switzerland to the Security Council for a vote, highlights the country's long-standing commitment to the protection of civilians – a priority of the Federal Council for Switzerland's 2023–24 term on the council.

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