At the launching event today at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister Frida Krifca announced the new Trade Promotion programme that will support the agribusiness sector in Albania with the aim of creating sustained export growth.
"I am glad that a prestigious agency under the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation has joined to reach our objective for quality and competitive Albanian products. Albania’s agriculture is transforming into a strong regional exporter for fresh produce with 500 million USD of exports in 2022 by meeting the growth rate for the major objective we have established, that of 1 billion USD in exports by 2030", said the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Frida Krifca.
"Albania has made good progress with agricultural exports in recent years, however there is still untapped potential. Enterprises in Albania have some way to go to comply with international and European quality standards in order to meet market expectations", said the Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland, Patrik Meier.
With the new programme funded by the Swiss government, the International Trade Center will work closely with small and medium enterprises (SME’s), with business support organisations and with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to strengthen capacities, systems and regulations with the view of increasing agricultural and food exports, and of improving their range and quality.
The project will focus on competitiveness and sustainable export growth of SMEs and improving the capacities of business support organizations (BSOs) to provide quality services to SMEs. A strong element of inclusiveness is foreseen targeting women in agribusiness.
Assistance will include agricultural products according to international market requirements, digital transformation, and adherence to sustainability principles. Beneficiaries, including government and relevant sectoral institutions, will be supported in taking a strategic approach toward the sector’s development, whereas BSOs will be supported to deliver quality service to SMEs.
Through the methodology developed by the International Trade Center, it is expected that the new support will introduce innovative ways in production and international market access. The programme is part of the Swiss cooperation programme in Albania that includes supporting economic development and employment.