31.07.2024 – developments in the region

The Embassy of Switzerland to Lebanon and Syria monitors the situation in the region closely. The development of the situation is highly uncertain. Tensions are high and a significant deterioration in the security situation in Lebanon is possible at any time.

Travel to Lebanon is generally not recommended. The FDFA recommends Swiss nationals to leave the country by their own means if this appears possible and safe. Use the available commercial means of transportation. Information can be obtained from the airlines.

The decision to leave the country is voluntary and at your own risk and expense.

For Swiss nationals: Please follow the travel advice of the FDFA and inform yourself about the current situation. Swiss nationals who remain in Lebanon or travel there contrary to the recommendations of the FDFA must be aware that Switzerland may only be able to provide limited services or none at all if the security situation deteriorates further.

The Swiss Embassy in Beirut is currently open and continues to provide its usual services and assistance. We ask you to keep your contact and travel details up to date on the Travel Admin App or at the Swiss representation where you are registered. In emergencies, you can contact the FDFA Helpline: +41 800 24 7 365 or +41 58 465 33 33.

 Different passports

Visa und Einreise in die Schweiz

Die zuständige Aussenstelle informiert Sie über die Visabestimmungen und darüber, wie Sie einen Visa-Antrag einreichen. Sie erhalten weitere Angaben zur Einreise und zum Aufenthalt in der Schweiz.

Visa und Einreise in die Schweiz

Image of people working at the Swiss pavilion in London in 2012


Vom Ausstellen eines Passes bis zu Zivilstandangelegenheiten – die Aussenstellen des EDA bieten Schweizer Staatsangehörigen im Ausland zahlreiche Dienstleistungen.


Online desk FDFA

Online-Schalter EDA

Vom Ausland aus konsularische Dienstleistungen online in Anspruch nehmen.

Online-Schalter EDA

 Different passports

Visa & entry to Switzerland

The responsible Swiss representation provides information on visa requirements and how to submit a visa application. You will also be given more details about travelling to and staying in Switzerland.

Visa & entry to Switzerland

Image of people working at the Swiss pavilion in London in 2012


From issuing passports to matters concerning civil status, all FDFA external representations offer a variety of services to Swiss citizens living abroad.


Online desk FDFA

Online desk FDFA

Using the FDFA’s online consular services while abroad.

Online desk FDFA

Magnyfing glass

Living in Lebanon

You will receive information on emigration, staying in the country, and everything you need to know about returning to Switzerland.

Living in Lebanon

Symbolic handshake in agreement, above the Swiss cross depicted in the Parliament.

Switzerland and Lebanon

Here you will find an overview of Switzerland's commitment to diplomacy, education, culture and the economy in the country.

Switzerland and Lebanon

Swiss Humanitarian Aid after an earthquake in Haiti in 2010

International Cooperation

The responsible representations implement the strategic goals of Switzerland's international cooperation and carry out related projects.

International Cooperation