Embassy Luanda

Address Embaixada da Suíça na República de Angola
Rua Garcia Neto 9
Bairro de Miramar

Postal address Embaixada da Suíça
Caixa Postal 3163
Correio central
Phone Headquarters +244 937592524
Headquarters +244 935457916
Headquarters +244 939769076
Fax Headquarters +244 923 169 916
Email Headquarters luanda@eda.admin.ch Consular affairs pretoria.visa@eda.admin.ch
Link http://www.eda.admin.ch/luanda
Consular district The Embassy of Switzerland in Luanda is the competent representation for diplomatic relations with Angola and São Tomé and Principe.

Additional information

Remarks / Consular district

For all questions related to consular affairs for Angola, please contact the Embassy of Switzerland in Pretoria/South Africa. For all questions related to consular affairs for São Tomé and Príncipe, please contact the Embassy of Switzerland in Accra/Ghana.

Consular activities and Visa