Programmes/projects in Bulgaria

Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme Factsheet
As part of the second Swiss Contribution to selected EU member states, the Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme, implemented between 2022 and 2029, contributes to the strategic reforms undertaken by Bulgaria. It aims at improving the lives of its people, and will strengthen existing and create new Swiss-Bulgarian partnerships between public institutions and private organisations at all levels. The SBCP targets areas where there are recognised needs of Bulgaria as well as opportunities for Switzerland to add value with its expertise and experience. The Second Swiss Contribution has a total value of CHF 1.302 billion and a duration of ten years until 3 December 2029. On 30 June 2022, Switzerland and the EU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Brussels, specifying key parameters of the contribution, such as the amount, its distribution among the partner countries, thematic priorities and principles for cooperation and implementation.
Key Areas of Support
- Promoting economic growth and social dialogue, reducing (youth) unemployment
- Managing migration and supporting integration. Increasing public safety and security
- Protecting the environment and the climate
- Strengthening of health and social systems
- Engaging citizens in a transparent and inclusive public debate
Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme
The Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme (SBCP) supports 11 Programmes in 5 thematic areas, based on a bilateral Framework Agreement between Switzerland and Bulgaria, which entered into force on 3rd December 2022. This Agreement sets out the objectives of the SBCP, its scope, the form and use of the assistance and the main provisions for its implementation. The second Swiss Contribution to Bulgaria amounts to 92.5 million Swiss francs, and all Programmes have to be implemented until the 3rd December 2029. In general, Switzerland provides up to 85% of the total budget for each Programme, whereas the Bulgarian co-financing amounts to at least 15%. In addition, Switzerland provides additional funds for technical support as well as for the mobilisation of Swiss expertise and experience. The SBCP is funded equally by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs: SECO and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Vocational and Professional Education and Training (DOMINO 2)
The overall objective of DOMINO 2 is economic growth and reduced youth unemployment through mainstreaming dual education principles in vocational education and training (VET) schools. The Programme focuses on continuing Swiss support for the modernisation and integration of Bulgaria’s dual VET system, with a strong emphasis on building sustainable capacity at every level, both in the public and private sector.
Research and Innovation (MAPS, SCIEX & PROMYS)
The Swiss-Bulgarian Research Programme (SBRP) focuses on scientific cooperation and exchange between Bulgarian and Swiss researchers aiming to strengthen international research networks. The strategic focus of the programme is to leverage the successful bilateral research projects from the first Swiss Contribution through regional research networks as engines of economic growth. The three funding schemes of the SBRP provide support for researchers at every stage of their careers.
Providing Support to Migration Management and Promoting Integration Measures
The Programme supports a holistic approach to the prevention of trafficking in human beings, support, care, protection and sustainable reintegration of its victims. It contributes to the integration of migrants with international and temporary protection in Bulgaria, and to the change of perception of Bulgaria as a transit country, while unlocking the potential of migrants to contribute to its development.
Improving Public Safety and Security
The Programme aims at introducing more holistic approaches primarily to the prevention and but also repression of certain crimes and anti-social behaviour in Bulgaria. By concentrating on three less developed regions with a high percentage of remote and vulnerable communities, including Roma, and by piloting community policing and improving approaches to preventing and dealing with juvenile delinquency, the Programme will serve as a model for roll-out at national level.
Fighting Corruption and Promoting Integrity
The objective of the Fighting Corruption and Promoting Integrity Programme is to strengthen the legal and institutional anti-corruption and public integrity framework. It supports the implementation of selected reforms in line with strategic objectives of Bulgaria and based on international good practices. In addition, through the introduction of transparency mechanisms it aims at increasing trust in public institutions.
Improved Air Quality Through a Modernized and Recognized National Air Quality Measurement System and Scientific Partnership (ModAIRn)
The overall objective of ModAIRn is to assists Bulgaria in upgrading the National Air Quality Monitoring System by contributing to reliable data and assessments for better air quality policies. ModAIRn will improve policy making and implementation towards cleaner air and support stakeholders in adapting their behaviour. The Programme will provide automated air quality monitoring stations and devices, development of air quality data hub, and support scientific approaches.
Monitoring, Control and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides and Prevention Measures
The Programme is a continuation of a project successfully accomplished under the Enlargement Contribution. Its overall objective is to significantly and sustainably reduce the risks for human health and environmental pollution form obsolete pesticides and other expired plant protection products. The measure will intervene in warehouses across the country, ensuring proper disposal of the waste, and will support the capacity building at national and local levels for waste management.
Visitor Infrastructure and Sustainable Use of a National Park (ProPark)
The Programme aims to sustainably manage Rila National Park and to strengthen the biodiversity protection in Bulgaria. This objective will be achieved by developing and piloting concepts for resource-efficient management and sustainable use for touristic buildings in the park, implementation of measures aiming for environment protection and sustainable tourism, enhancement of infrastructure such as the Visitor Centre Panichishte or selected touristic huts; it will also valorise Swiss experience and good practices.
Health Promotion and Prevention
The Programme aims at preventing non-communicable diseases, which are a major cause of premature mortality in Bulgaria. It will pilot a model for the promotion of healthy lifestyle and well-being with children and adolescents in schools in selected municipalities. In addition, the Programme foresees interventions to sensitize parents, teachers and doctors to enable healthy environment.
Health and Education for All (ZOV II)
The Health and Education for All Programme (ZOV II) builds on the achievements of ZOV I programme supported by the first Swiss Contribution. The Programme aims at the social inclusion of vulnerable communities, notably of Roma origin, in view of their active participation in the socio-economic, cultural and political life. The Programme will contribute to the empowerment of Roma in five Bulgarian municipalities through a participatory approach and support the capacity of the educational mediators through training and other tailored measures.
Swiss-Bulgarian Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility (CETF)
Within the Programme, Switzerland supports civic participation and engagement in Bulgaria through three components: capacity building, a grants fund and three lighthouse projects in the area of bio diversity, civic participation and education. The CETF promotes social inclusion as a transversal topic, and will encourage transfer of good practices by fostering Swiss-Bulgarian partnerships.
You can find the full information here:
Factsheet Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme (PDF, 3 Pages, 316.5 kB)