On 18 October 2022, the Swiss Ambassador Urs Hammer and the Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Nataša Tramišak signed the Framework Agreement between Switzerland and Croatia on the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution for Croatia. The signing of the Framework Agreement marks the 30 years of good relations between Switzerland and Croatia which is celebrated throughout the year 2022.
Bilateral Framework Agreement with Croatia

To implement the second Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme, a bilateral framework agreement was concluded on 18 October 2022.
According to the signed Framework Agreement, the Swiss Contribution for Croatia amounts to 45,7 million CHF and is to be spent in the fields of research and innovation, water and waste-water management, palliative care and civic engagement.
In the area of research and innovation, Switzerland's first contribution supported promising small and medium-sized enterprises in the preparation and development of innovative projects. In addition, joint projects between research teams from both countries and career support for top Croatian researchers were promoted. These programmes will continue to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Croatian SMEs and researchers and their integration into international networks.
Further investments in the development of the water and wastewater infrastructure within Gorski Kotar will be upgraded with an additional focus on renewable energies such as small hydropower and training of wastewater experts to improve their professional skills. The activities implemented in this mountainous region should provide permanent access to clean water as an essential prerequisite for regional development and a better quality of life.
The initiatives of civil society organisations will also continue to receive funding, focusing on strengthening civic engagement, and therefore contributing to the democratic and sustainable development of society.
A new field of cooperation between Croatia and Switzerland is envisaged in the area of palliative care services. The overarching goal is to improve the quality of life of incurable patients and their families.
In parallel with the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution, the projects financed through the first Swiss Contribution are still operational up to 10 December 2024.
The Swiss Contribution Office based in the Swiss Embassy in Zagreb supports the implementation of the Swiss Contribution in Croatia and cooperates closely with Croatian institutions represented through the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds (the National Coordination Unit for Croatia) in delivering the expected results of the programmes in implementation.