Past events (31)
Création d'une Vidéo

Monday, 05.02.2018
Sunday, 18.03.2018
"La Suisse et la Géorgie se ressemblent-elles?"
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Movie: Vecchi Pazzi

Thursday, 19.10.2017
Thursday, 19.10.2017
Within the framework of the Italian language month, the Swiss Embassy in Georgia organizes a screening of the Swiss comedy "Vecchi Pazzi" by Sabine Boss.
Location: Aminari Cinema, Tbilisi
Swiss National Day Celebration
Tuesday, 01.08.2017
Tuesday, 01.08.2017
Swiss National Day and the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Switzerland.
Swiss-Georgian conference on vocational education and training

Wednesday, 07.06.2017
Wednesday, 07.06.2017
The Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia and the Georgian-Swiss Business Association organize a conference on vocational education and training (VET). The purpose of this event is to share the proven Swiss experience and expertise in this field and to assist Georgia in revitalizing and generalizing VET as an educational model.
Location: Tbilisi, 6th Authorized School, Lado Asatiani Street 28
German language month
Thursday, 27.04.2017
Wednesday, 31.05.2017
Public event; Cultural event
The Swiss Embassy in Georgia organizes a series of events within the framework of the German language month "Drei Länder eine Sprache"
Location: Tbilisi
Award Ceremony
Monday, 20.03.2017
Monday, 20.03.2017
EDA; Cultural event
Location: 1 Gmir Kursantta Street, Tbilisi
"Présentez la Suisse à vos amis géorgiens"
Sunday, 12.02.2017
Tuesday, 14.03.2017
Vous aimez la langue française et vous vous intéressez à la Suisse? Ce concours est pour vous!Donnez libre cours à votre imagination, prenez une caméra, un appareil photo ou un téléphone portable et faites une vidéo autour du thème suivant:"Présentez la Suisse à vos amis géorgiens"Participez et gagnez de superbes prix!
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Bringing the Strands Together: New Prospects for the Social Sciences
Friday, 18.11.2016
Saturday, 19.11.2016
Organized by the Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN), the conference will address multiple challenges in the Southern Caucasus and the broader regional context.
Location: Courtyard Marriott, 4 Freedom Square, Tbilisi
Movie: Il fiume ha sempre ragione

Wednesday, 19.10.2016
Wednesday, 19.10.2016
Within the framework of the International Italian Language Week, the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Georgia will screen a documentary by Silvio Soldini.
Location: Amirani Cinema, Tbilisi
Tbilisi 1st International Summit of Craft & Design
Friday, 23.09.2016
Sunday, 25.09.2016
The summit is the first international gathering of crafts makers, designers, entrepreneurs, retailers and experts in the South Caucasus region and offers unique opportunity to Georgian and international entrepreneurs to present market oriented products, to establish new business contacts and to promote national crafts to the global markets, and therefore to increase economic sustainability of Crafts sector.
Location: Expo Georgia’s pavilions #4, 5, 6 (118, Tsereteli Ave., Tbilisi)
Tskaltubo Art Festival

Friday, 16.09.2016
Sunday, 18.09.2016
Concert; Movie
For the forth time already, Tskaltubo Art Festival invites all who are interested in art, music, a contemporary dance and a company of many talented young people.
Location: Tskaltubo, Georgia
Wednesday, 25.05.2016
Wednesday, 25.05.2016,
On the occasion of the Month of the German Language the Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia will screen the movie “Heidi” (2015), based on the Swiss bestseller by Johana Spyri.
Location: Rustaveli Cinema, Tbilisi
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Last update 19.12.2018