
Improved health through clean drinking water and sanitation

Since 2012, SDC is providing WASH infrastructure for approx. 10’000 beneficiaries in rural areas. Combined with good hygiene practice, this programme forms an important foundation for good communal health in that they reduce infections. Improved health raises the livelihood prospects of communities and their members. Gains in this area are reinforced by geographically linking WASH with SLDM interventions and by strengthening the capacity and responsibility of local authorities to manage and maintain infrastructure.

Fact sheet 2017

Caroline Penn/Panos

Equitable access to water for all is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. Hundreds of millions of people are deprived of water, not because it is a rare commodity but because of poverty, social inequality and a lack of political resolve. The SDC places the use of water for people and their food security at the centre of its work.

The SDC's worldwide engagement