Objective of the open call for projects
- Open a window of opportunity to bottom up ideas of anniversary projects and initiatives.
- Draw awareness to the anniversary year, engage the public and send an image of openness and inclusiveness.
- Establish new friendships and connections in all fields between Switzerland and the Republic of Korea.
Conditions to apply for the open call for projects
- The organizer of the project must submit a complete application form by 30 September 2022. The form includes name of project/ description/ project partners/ budget outline/ type of contribution asked to the Embassy (if any)/ timeframe.
- The event/project should take place mainly between January and December 2023 entirely or partially in the Republic of Korea.
- The event/project should aim at promoting Swiss-Korean exchange in various fields (youth exchange, arts and culture, science and education, sports, tourism, economics, design, architecture, politics, etc.), encouraging mutual understanding and strengthening the friendship between Switzerland and Korea.
- The submitted projects shall involve at least one partner in each country.
- The content and objective of the event/project should be clear and practically feasible.
- The objective of the event/project should not be to advocate any particular principle, ideology or religion, any political activity or election campaign and must not violate public order or standards of decency.
- Financial responsibility of the event/project should be fully borne by the organizer.
Privileges of selected projects
- The organizers of endorsed events/projects are entitled to use the official logo in publicity materials (i.e. posters, pamphlets, website, signboards, banners, publications etc.).
- Selected events will be listed on the official calendar of the 60th Anniversary Year on the website of the Embassy of Switzerland and, if practicable, in other PR material for the anniversary. Information about the projects will be shared through the communications channels of the Embassy.
- The Embassy, through the Swiss Fund Korea, may grant on a case by case basis, communication and financial support to selected small-scale projects and initiatives (grants up to CHF 3000-5000). Details will be set out with a written contract.
Profit-oriented projects, projects with religious purposes (however the applying organization or group may have a religious background), projects that only and exclusively consist of supply of materials, projects that only benefit selected individuals, as well as simple collections, donations, and sponsorships of individuals cannot be supported.
Selection decision
Projects will be selected from the pool of submissions on a case by case basis by the Public affairs section of the Embassy of Switzerland and by the Science & Technology office for project related to academia, science and start-ups. Criteria include quality of the concept, feasibility, listed partners, sound budget and possible sustainability of the initiatives.