The Embassy of Switzerland has the pleasure to invite you to the Semaines de la Francophonie 2018 (Weeks of the French language 2018) which will take place between Wednesday, 7 March and Saturday, 31 March, organized together with the Embassies of France, Luxembourg, Czech Republic and Canada, the Belgian Diplomatic Office, the French Alliance, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Kosovo and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo.
We would like to draw your attention to the following events which are organized by the Embassy of Switzerland:
Concert of « Jo2Plainp », 22th March, 20.00, Hamam Jazz Bar in Prishtinë/Priština:
The Embassy of Switzerland in Kosovo and the Canadian diplomatic representation are glad to invite you Thursday the 22th of March 2018 at the Hamam JazzBAr in Pristina. Don’t miss the Happy hour starting at 20.00!
Jo2Plainp is a young hip-hop band from the city of Geneva. Their music generates a message of aggregation mixing successfully reggae, latino, jazzy, swing and acoustic sounds.
Free entry.
Screenings of the film “La rançon de la gloire” of Xavier Beauvois
This dramatic comedy realized by Xavier Beauvois tells about two friends whose are ready to do everything in order to achieve the glory and richness, also to dig up Chaplin's coffin!
In French, subtitles in Albanian and Serbian, free entrance.
Prizren: Friday the 16th March - 19:30 at DokuKino
Pejë/Peć: Saturday the 17th march - 19:00 at Cinema Jusuf Gervalla
Prishtinë/Priština: Wednesday the 21th March - 10:00 at the University of Pristina
Mitrovicë/Mitrovica: Friday the 23th March at Aktiv
For more information about the events of the Semaines de la Francophonie follow the Facebook page of the Francophonie in Kosovo
and also the Facebook page of the Swiss Embassy in Kosovo