Araket for better life in new settlements

Residents of the new settlements are the most vulnerable and are largely invisible to state support. Due to lack of legal status in their place of residence and lack of awareness, these residents have limited access to public services. Switzerland decided to support these left-behind population by raising awareness of their rights, providing access to public services, involving local governments in improving living conditions, creating economic opportunities for women and thus reducing their vulnerabilities.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Human rights
Employment & economic development
Democratic participation and civil society
Human rights (incl. Women's rights)
Social protection
01.01.2022 - 31.01.2027
CHF  3’750’000
Background Due to 30 years of internal migration from rural to urban areas, agricultural land around Bishkek and Osh cities has been progressively illegally occupied. There are still 18 settlements (11 in Bishkek and 7 in Osh) without legal status, where over 120,000 people live. There is no inclusive urban planning strategy addressing issues/problems of informal settlements. Recent changes in the legislation create an opportunity for registration of these settlements, but it requires involvement of government authorities and dialogue with the communities of the new settlements to address their problems. Residents need to know about their rights and learn mechanisms to access public services. Women in these settlements, are more vulnerable and need to get new skills to get better income.
Objectives Improved livelihood and reduced vulnerabilities of the residents in the new settlements.
Target groups Main target group of the main phase is 93'000 residents living in 11 (7 in Bishkek and 4 in Osh) settlements; 43% of them are women. The municipal administrations of Bishkek, Osh and neighbouring municipalities will be targeted by the project by improving their capacities to address identified problems in the new settlements.
Medium-term outcomes Residents of the new settlements are enabled to claim their rights, to access public services and improve their economic situation.

Expected results:  

Output 1: Local authorities are responsive to address problems/issues in the new settlements

Output 2: Residents of the new settlements have access to public services and cultural, sport and leisure activities

Output 3: Job/income opportunities improved for women in the new settlements

Results from previous phases:   The results of the assessments conducted during the inception phase informed the project design and will be used as baseline data for indicators. This project builds on experiences of the Swiss funded projects in the areas of public service provision, citizen participation, skills and private sector development in Kyrgyzstan.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
  • Foreign private sector North
  • Swiss Private Sector
  • This mandate project implementation has been awarded to the GFA Consulting Group in partnership with local public organizations (Resource Center for the Elderly, Human Rights Advocacy Center, Arysh, Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, Social Innovation Lab Kyrgyzstan, She Starts)

Coordination with other projects and actors Close partnership with the local non-governmental organizations represented in the Central Asia on the Move platform is core for outreach activities of the project. There are synergies with several Swiss funded projects in Public Services Improvement, Skills Development, Private Sector Development and Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives. Also, the project will coordinate its activities with the regional project on Facilitating Safe and Skilled Migration of the Central Asia - Kazakhstan Corridor implemented by International Organization for Migration.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’750’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    1’876’684 Budget inclusive project partner CHF    3’750’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   147’180
Project phases Phase 1 01.01.2022 - 31.01.2027   (Current phase)