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Statement from Ambassadors to Myanmar
On 23 March, the UN Secretary General called for armed groups across the world to implement a global ceasefire. The Ambassadors listed below echo this call. We are deeply concerned about the high level of fighting, casualties and civilian displacement occurring in Rakhine and Chin States, and the threat of further conflict in other areas. The focus of all countries across the world must now be on protecting the most vulnerable communities from the devastating impacts of COVID19. Conflict impedes humanitarian response and prevents assistance to those women, children, disabled, marginalized and displaced who are already the most vulnerable groups during a conflict. Humanitarian access to the conflict areas is vital.
Swiss travellers abroad should register on the "Travel Admin App”
Press releases
Bern, 19.03.2020 - Earlier this week, the Federal Council called on Swiss travellers to return home quickly. In order to better support those who are still blocked abroad, they should register on the "Travel Admin App" of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.
We are moving
Local news
Starting from 8 April 2019, the new contact address of the Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar will be as follows:
Swiss National Day

Message from the President of the Swiss Confederation Alain Berset to Swiss citizens abroad on the occasion of the Swiss National Day on 1 August.
Human Rights Day 2017
Press releases
In exactly one year from today, on 10 December 2018, Switzerland together with the international community will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which 70 years after its adoption, remains of unequivocal relevance. Human rights are a necessity for our societies, an invaluable ingredient to boost peace and stability and to foster sustainable development. Human rights are at the heart of the values represented by Switzerland and its political model, which is founded on the principles of democracy, non-discrimination, gender equality, peaceful coexistence, and mutual respect among people having different religious, linguistic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Switzerland calls upon its partners to join it in making this Human Rights Day 2017 a day of unequivocal relevance for the promotion and the protection of human rights.
Einladung an Schweizer Jugendliche für die Teilnahme an einem Projekt über den Föderalismus in Myanmar, vom 24. September bis zum 4. Oktober 2017
Press releases
For French and Italian please scroll down.
Myanmar ist ein Land im Wandel. Nachdem die Militärregierung 2003 einen Fahrplan zur Demokratie aufgestellt hatte, fanden 2015 in Myanmar nach Jahrzehnten der Militärdiktatur zum ersten Mal freie und demokratische Wahlen statt. Als Siegerin ging die ehemalige Oppositionspartei unter der Führung von Aung San Suu Kyi, die National League for Democracy (NDL), hervor, die heute die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Reformen sowie den Friedensprozess anführt. Das Land steht vor einer politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Öffnung, die vielversprechende Perspektiven für die jungen Generationen schafft.
Supporting independent cinema in Myanmar

Director Maung Okkar and producer May Zin Myo, both from Myanmar, will be newcomers at the Open Doors section of the Locarno Festival, which is backed by the SDC. This is a chance of a lifetime to meet international professionals from the film world and contribute to the development of contemporary cinema in Myanmar, a country undergoing a transition to democracy.
Congratulations on Elections
The Swiss Embassy congratulates the people of Myanmar, and all parties and institutions involved, to generally very well organized and successful elections of 8 November. The sense of citizenship, responsibility and pride shown by the voters on Election Day and in the days after was both impressive and moving.
International community meets in Geneva to set course for future humanitarian action

A lengthy consultation process will culminate in a meeting of the international community in Geneva from 14 to 16 October 2015 with the aim of defining the principles of tomorrow's humanitarian action. The discussions will serve as a basis for the World Humanitarian Summit planned for May 2016 in Istanbul. The need to place the victims of disasters and conflict at the centre of all humanitarian action is a top priority.
World Day Against the Death Penalty, October 10, 2015
Press releases
Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter is joined by 17 other Foreign Ministers in calling for a constructive dialogue on the death penalty.
West Africa and Afghanistan on the front lines of the fight for literacy
In August 2015 UNESCO published its latest statistics on illiteracy around the world. They show that today there are more than 757 million adults and 115 million young people who cannot read or write a simple sentence. The SDC is committed to strengthening educational systems where the need is greatest.
Flooding in Myanmar: Switzerland commits an extra CHF 500,000
Press releases
In Myanmar over a million people continue to suffer the consequences of the severe flooding that has affected the country since late July. Given the scale of the disaster, Swiss Humanitarian Aid has decided to commit an additional CHF 500,000. This brings the Swiss Confederation's emergency aid contribution to over CHF 600,000.