Swiss representations in Sri Lanka
- Consular district: Sri Lanka and the Maldives
- Embassy Colombo
- Embassy of Switzerland
63, Srimath R.G. Senanayake Mawatha (Gregory's Road)
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka - Phone Headquarters +94 11 269 51 17
- Fax Headquarters +94 11 269 51 76
- Headquarters Visa
- Website
- Consular district:
- International Cooperation Colombo
- Embassy of Switzerland - International Cooperation
63, Srimath R.G. Senanayake Mawatha (Gregory's Road)
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka - Phone Headquarters +41 58 4 62 18 51
- Fax Headquarters +94 11 268 83 48
- Headquarters
- Website