Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine
With a contribution to the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU), Switzerland aims at strengthening communities and at enhancing government legitimacy in Eastern Ukraine through improved services, economic recovery and empowered civil society. The PFRU is an innovative multi-donor financing tool which focuses on supporting the implementation of reforms in the conflict-affected areas of the country through an integrated approach (humanitarian-development-peace nexus). The PFRU unites five development partners (UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland) and it is co-owned by the Government of Ukraine.
RegionCountry | Topic | Period | Budget |
Ukraine |
Conflict & fragility Employment & economic development Governance nothemedefined
Conflict prevention
Rural development Decentralisation |
- 31.03.2024 |
CHF 3’000’000
- Strengthened effectiveness of the Ukrainian Government in development and implementation of inclusive policies and plans that are well communicated in order to provide a better offer for eastern and southern oblasts of Ukraine now and prepare for reintegration of Non-Government Controlled Areas NGCA.
- Improved political legitimacy of Ukrainian Government in southern and eastern regions of Ukraine. Successfully decentralised and participatory environmental protection promotes a cleaner environment in the conflict affected areas.
- Strengthened community resilience, national identity and civil society engagement with the state.
- Strengthened dialogue, communications and connections across the Line of Contact, bolstered by an improved offer for personscrossing from Non-Government Controlled Areas NGCAs.
- Strengthened GoU strategic communications to ensure greater legitimacy dividends and promote a national pluralistic society.
- Institutional capacities of local authorities strengthened to operate in a conflict sensitive manner and handle good governance requirements pre and post territorial amalgamation.
- New or improved institutions with effective reach-out facilities for citizens’ administrative support in conflict affected areas and for state/civil society consultations are in place and operating.
- Increased conflict-sensitive dialogue for territorial community development between well-informed citizens and local self-governments.
- Strengthened capacities of regional and local mass media, and enhanced policy making for conflict affected regions.
- National State Institute North
- UN-Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UNRPP), DRC Livelihood assistance project (LAP2)
- SDC/HA funded secondment to OCHA
- Other international developing partners supporting recovery and peacebuilding in eastern Ukraine (EU, World Bank, Denmark)
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution
Rural development
Decentralisation and support to subnational government (incl. accountability)
Policy Marker Conflict reduction
Aid Type Basketpooled multi-donor fund
Project Number 7F09598
Background | The reforms triggered by the Maidan revolution in 2014 collide with the impact of the conflict in the east of Ukraine that is felt nation-wide. 1.5 million persons are displaced internally, and social cohesion remains fragile. In eastern Ukraine, the social and humanitarian situation is dire and the economy is weak. In light of weak government legitimacy in particular in eastern Ukraine, of newly empowered local communities, of phasing out of international humanitarian assistance in Government Controlled Areas (GCA), and of a lack of coordination among and between government and donor programmes, the multi-donor PFRU is considered a relevant response to strengthen resilience and government legitimacy in close partnership with the Government of Ukraine. |
Target | Ukraine’s resilience to instability and conflict is strengthened and Ukraine is prepared for a smooth social, economic and political transition integral to the political settlement of the conflict. |
Target group | Citizens living in the conflict affected region, local self-governments, citizens’ groups, civil society and women’s organisations and media in the target communities of eastern and southern Ukraine, and Government of Ukraine. |
Outcomes |
Results |
Expected Results: Results from previous phase: Ph 1 + Ph 3 (Livelihood assistance with DRC) have resulted in an improved competitiveness on the local labour market through improved vocational skill sets of several hundred individuals, business grants creating new jobs and prospective value chains, and modernization of employment centers in Eastern regions. Market systems development projects have been launched, and beneficiaries receive legal counselling, documentation and administrative assistance and in-court assistance. Ph. 2 (UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme): the “Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in Crisis-Affected Communities of Ukraine” component of the programme has supported the eastern oblasts to update their regional development strategies and adopt implementation plans. Concretely, “citizen advisory bureaus” were set up to support the population in the aftermath of the conflict. Institutional capacities of local and regional administration were strengthened through advisors and experts. E-democracy and environment protection platforms were introduced and a methodology for social management in schools (form of civic engagement) was successfully implemented. |
Agency |
Project Partners |
Contract Partner Foreign state institution Other Partners UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as delegated cooperation. |
Projects Coordination |
Budget | Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF 3’000’000 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF 0 Total Project Since First Phase Budget Inclusive Project Partner CHF 43’000’000 |
Project Phases |
- 31.12.2027
(Current Phase)
Phase 4 01.02.2022 - 31.03.2024 (Completed) Phase 2 01.12.2018 - 31.01.2022 (Completed) Phase 1 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020 (Completed) |