
Press releases

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Object 97 – 108 of 663

Focus on security policy in run-up to EPC summit

27.09.2023 — Press releases EDA
The FDFA, together with the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, held a workshop today in Geneva on the role of the European Political Community (EPC) in the European security architecture. Switzerland is actively involved in the EPC as a platform for dialogue and cooperation in Europe. The workshop took place in the run-up to the next EPC summit in Granada, Spain.

Switzerland participates in high-level event on the future of work and social dialogue

22.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
The head of SECO's Labour Directorate, Boris Zürcher, took part in a high-level event organised by the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council. The meeting took place on 21 and 22 September in Santiago de Compostela. The focus of the meeting was on the future of work and social dialogue in relation to the green and digital transitions.

President Alain Berset receives Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti

22.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
President Berset received the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, for a courtesy visit on Friday, 22 September. The talks were devoted in particular to the situation in northern Kosovo and the process led by the European Union (EU) to normalise relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Greater cooperation with Slovakia

19.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
Switzerland and Slovakia have signed a bilateral agreement on 19 September 2023 on the implementation of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states. Switzerland will support programmes in Slovakia in the areas of vocational training, sustainable tourism and healthcare amounting to CHF 44.2 million. This means that all 13 bilateral implementation agreements for the second Swiss contribution to strengthen cohesion are under wraps.

International Energy Agency (IEA) recommends that Switzerland speed up the restructuring of its energy system

11.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
The International Energy Agency (IEA) considers Switzerland's energy policy to be on the right track, but that progress is too slow. It therefore recommends that Switzerland press ahead more quickly with converting its energy system. The federal government, in cooperation with the cantons, should speed up the licensing procedures for energy infrastructures. Climate policy measures effective from 2030 onwards should also be defined as quickly as possible in order to achieve the net zero emissions target by 2050. Furthermore, the IEA suggests that energy efficiency measures be consistently taken into account in all relevant Swiss policies. According to the IEA, integration into the European electricity market by means of an electricity agreement would strengthen both Switzerland's and the EU member states' security of electricity supply.

Swiss aid operation in Greece concluded

11.09.2023 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss deployment to fight forest fires and support Greece after the floods came to an end on Sunday evening, 10 September 2023. In the initial phase, the team supported the Greek authorities in fire-fighting operations for five days with Swiss army helicopters. In the second phase, the team focused on the flooded areas of central Greece. Three Super Puma helicopters were used to transport people and distribute material. Today, Monday, the helicopters and their crews as well as the Swiss Humanitarian Aid rapid response team returned to Switzerland.

Greece: Swiss relief operation refocused on flooding

07.09.2023 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss operation to fight forest fires in Greece was completed on Thursday evening, 7 September 2023. The fires were brought under control. The Greek authorities have now appealed to Switzerland to adapt its relief operation to provide assistance to the areas affected by flooding. Switzerland is therefore continuing its humanitarian relief operation and, starting tomorrow, will be the first country to support the Greek authorities in tackling the flooding in the Thessaly region. Three Swiss Armed Forces helicopters have been deployed to transport people and supplies.

VPET system takes centre stage in Europe

05.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
The European skills competitions are an important showcase for achievements in vocational and professional education and training (VPET), as well as a platform for cultivating international contacts. Rémy Hübschi, Deputy Director of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, will travel to Gdansk, Poland, from 6 to 9 September for EuroSkills 2023. The trip will focus on exchange about various VPET topics with education ministers from other European countries, watching the competitions and attending the reception for the Swiss EuroSkills team.

Two new multidisciplinary research and innovation projects in the space sector

01.09.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 31 August the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research announced the selection of two research and innovation projects as part of national activities in the space sector. Selected through a call launched by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2022, these MARVIS (Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Ventures in Space) projects stand out for their multidisciplinary nature and their potential for developing specialist skills in the field of space, as well as their potential to generate results that can be incorporated into the activities of the European Space Agency (ESA).

Wildfires in Greece: Switzerland dispatches army helicopters

01.09.2023 — Press releases EDA
Wildfires continue to rage across Greece. In response to requests for help from the Greek authorities, Switzerland is dispatching three army helicopters and personnel to reinforce fire-fighting operations on the ground.

Die Schweiz und Deutschland arbeiten bei Wettbewerbsfragen enger zusammen

31.08.2023 — Press releases Europa
Das im November 2022 unterzeichnete Abkommen über die Zusammenarbeit der Wettbewerbsbehörden zwischen der Schweiz und Deutschland wird am 1. September 2023 in Kraft treten. Das Abkommen erlaubt der Schweizer Wettbewerbskommission und dem deutschen Bundeskartellamt eine effiziente Durchsetzung des Wettbewerbsrechts in grenzüberschreitenden Sachverhalten.

Ukraine: Switzerland implements new sanctions against Belarus

30.08.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 30 August, the Federal Council decided to adopt further sanctions against Belarus to bring Switzerland in line with the latest measures adopted by the European Union (EU) on 3 August. The changes will come into effect at 6pm on 30 August. More than 40 individuals and entities were added to the sanctions list on 15 August.

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