Publications (72)
The long hunt for dirty money
Swiss Peace Supporter 2/2015
This issue focuses on the implementation of Resolution 1325, which is devoted to the participation of women in peace processes and was adopted 15 years ago. It contains accounts by Swiss experts on the challenges that lie ahead and the wide-ranging fields of activity affected by the issue of gender in conflicts – whether in police, civilian or military missions.
The Human Rights Council: a practical guide
This publication provides an overview of the functioning and working methods of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. It explains the structures, procedures and mechanisms, taking care to illustrate each point with examples drawn from practice. This publication is also intended to bring together the different sources of information on the Council, in particular those available on the internet.
Humanitarian Access in situations of armed conflict
Rapid and unhindered access for humanitarian organisations to civilians in armed conflict zones is essential. However, it is often impeded or refused. In two publications Switzerland advocates improvements in this area: The Manual provides a summary of the relevant rules of international law; the Guidelines are designed for humanitarian practitioners concerned with the question of access.
Financing for Sustainable Development - What options for the international community and SDC?
Les stratégies de l’ONU entre changement et continuité
La Banque mondiale met le cap sur sa nouvelle stratégie
L’ONU à l’écoute du monde
Le multilatéral à l’épreuve du printemps arabe
Multi H Concept
This document outlines Switzerland’s strategy and priorities relating to humanitarian multilateral aid for the period 2013–2016. It explains how Swiss Humanitarian Aid will strengthen its multilateral activities through financial and in-kind contributions as well as secondments to multilateral organizations. It also provides information on SDC humanitarian objectives, approaches and partnerships.
50 Swis faces in the Council of Europe
What are the differences between the Council of Europe and the EU? Why is Switzerland a member of the Council of Europe and what can it obtain from it? 50 Swiss nationals speak about their involvement in the Council of Europe.