The delegation is led by an ambassador who represents Switzerland in the weekly sessions of the Permanent Council, the political decision-making body of the OSCE. The ambassador also represents Switzerland in the weekly sessions of the Forum for Security Co-operation, in which member states make decisions regarding military aspects of security in the OSCE area, in particular confidence- and security-building measures.

The delegation is part of the Swiss permanent mission to the OSCE, the UN and other international organisations in Vienna. The delegation's management is also supported by diplomatic and specialist staff and a military adviser. 

Last update 28.11.2023


Eurasia Division

Council of Europe and OSCE Section

Federal Palace West
3003 Bern


+41 58 464 69 48

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the OSCE, the United Nations and the other International Organisations

Wächtergasse 1, 3rd floor
1010 Vienna

+43 01 505 89 25 (OSCE)
+43 01 263 41 18 (IAEA/CTBTO/UN)

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