Activities in the economic and environmental dimension include the monitoring of developments related to economic and environmental security in OSCE participating States.
Activities in the economic and environmental dimension include the monitoring of developments related to economic and environmental security in OSCE participating States.
The economic and environmental dimension includes:
The OSCE recognises the close connection between environmental issues and economic prosperity and security. It regards cooperation on environmental issues as an essential part of its commitment to conflict prevention, building mutual trust and promoting good neighbourly relations. The OSCE is also committed to sustainable economic growth and promotes international economic cooperation in various areas in order to combat the dangers of economic and social inequality, the lack of the rule of law, weak government, corruption, mass poverty and high unemployment.
Good governance is an important prerequisite for ensuring economic growth, political stability and security. As a result, the OSCE endeavours to support states in this area in order to ensure a functioning state system.
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) is part of the OSCE secretariat and works with OSCE field operations and institutions to support participating states in the area of environmental and economic issues and to implement projects in this field.
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities
Within the framework of the OSCE's second dimension, Switzerland is committed to strengthening water diplomacy as an instrument of conflict prevention. Another important related topic for Switzerland is the nexus between climate change and security. Switzerland contributes its expertise in mediation and conflict management in order to expand cooperation within the OSCE at the interface of environmental issues and conflict prevention together with partner states. Switzerland is committed to building trust through economic connectivity and strives to develop areas of cooperation, for example in the areas of the green economy, better resource efficiency, the promotion of sustainable economic growth, fighting corruption and promoting good governance.