Past events (24)
Swiss singer will perform in Baku

Tuesday, 17.09.2024
Thursday, 19.09.2024
Swiss singer Sophie de Quay will give three concerts in Baku. From 17 to 19 September 2024, she will perform in three different places. Sophie will perform in Baku as part of her world tour to build bridges between Switzerland and Azerbaijan.
Location: Baku Concert Halls
Swiss musicians to give concerts in Baku and Sumgait

Wednesday, 27.03.2019
Tuesday, 02.04.2019
Within the framework of the Francophonie weeks, the Embassy of Switzerland will organize two concerts of two Swiss musicians, one in Baku and the other one in Sumgait cities. The duo – Marc Aymon and Ephraim Salzman will perform in Baku Mugham Centre on 30th March, at 19.00. On 1st April, at 19.00, the Swiss musicians will give a concert in Sumgait State Drama Theatre’s hall. This concert will be organized in cooperation with the Executive Authority of Sumgait city.
Joint Photo Exhibition by Swiss and Azerbaijani photographers

Thursday, 17.01.2019
Thursday, 24.01.2019
The Opening Ceremony of the joint Photo Exhibition of Mr. Cedric Christopher Merkli’s “Cheese distribution in Justistal” and Elmar Mustafazade’s “Masters of Craft” will take place on Wednesday, 23 January 2019, at 19h00 at Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition will be open for visitors until 5 February 2019.
The Swiss Embassy to present award-winning movie

Wednesday, 17.10.2018
Friday, 26.10.2018
The Embassy of Switzerland is pleased to invite you to the presentation of the Swiss movie “The Divine Order”.
Swiss Alumni Event 2018

Tuesday, 21.08.2018
Saturday, 08.09.2018
The Embassy of Switzerland in Baku organizes a reception for Swiss Alumni and for CEOs of Swiss companies in Azerbaijan. The event will take place on 7 September 2018 at the Swiss Residence in the Old City. Alumni with educational background from Switzerland and CEOs of Swiss companies in Azerbaijan will come together to expand their networking, as well as to further deepen the close ties between Switzerland and Azerbaijan.
Film Premiere of documentary about women in Azerbaijan
Wednesday, 16.05.2018
Wednesday, 16.05.2018
The Embassy of Switzerland is pleased to announce the screening of the documentary film “Republican Women Daring to Change”. We will show this special documentary about the importance of women in the history of Azerbaijan as our contribution to the IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival. The film will be shown at Yarat – Contemporary Art Centre in Baku at 20:00 on Wednesday, 16 May, 2018. Free entrance, seats are available on a first come, first served basis. Everybody is warmly invited!
Location: Yarat Contemporary Art Center, Baku
Vintage poster exhibition in Baku

Monday, 09.04.2018
Saturday, 28.04.2018
Cultural event
The Embassy of Switzerland is pleased to present the following event in the frame of the Francophonie weeks to the general public: Vintage poster exhibition « Take a holiday ! » at the National Museum of Art of Azerbaijan in Baku, 13-26 April 2018, second floor of the museum. Everybody is warmly invited to the opening of the exhibition on Friday 13 April at 19h00 which will be held in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Swiss Ambassador and a representative of our partner organization, Tourism Switzerland.
Promotional event for hospitality education at the Swiss Residence

Sunday, 01.04.2018
Tuesday, 14.08.2018
Basic education
On 12 April, Ambassador Philipp Stalder hosted a promotional event for hospitality education in Switzerland at his residence. Representatives of Sommet Education presented the well-known Swiss hospitality management schools, Glion and Les Roches. The promotional event was attended by potential students, parents, alumni, hotel representatives and media.
Two Swiss events in Ganja city
Monday, 05.03.2018
Saturday, 17.03.2018
Within the frame of the week of the French language and the Francophonie the Embassy of Switzerland is pleased to present in cooperation with the Executive Authority of Ganja City two events in the beautiful city of Ganja.
Location: Mesheti Genjevi Cultural Centre
Swiss business community gathers at the Nobel House

Sunday, 04.03.2018
Saturday, 31.03.2018
Promoting economic growth and improving working conditions
In early March, the Embassy organized a special evening for the Swiss business community in Azerbaijan and invited the CEOs and their spouses to the Nobel House. The social event started with a tour through the Nobel Brothers’ Museum where the guests received information about the fascinating history of the beginning of the oil industry in Azerbaijan and the Nobel House which is also called Villa Petrolea. This was the place where the famous brothers Ludwig and Robert Nobel and their families resided for a periode of over 40 years at the late 19th and early 20th century.
Location: Nobel House
HOMS Charity Event in Baku

Thursday, 01.02.2018
Sunday, 18.02.2018
The Head of Missions' Spouses (HOMS) group in Baku is organizing premier charity gala, Treasures and Wines Around the World, on February 17th, at the Landmark Hotel. An international and glamorous evening of wines, Tombola prizes, dinner and dancing, and all to benefit the many charities HOMS supports in Azerbaijan.
Location: Baku
Swiss Boogie-Woogie Concert in Baku

Monday, 15.01.2018
Saturday, 27.01.2018
The Embassy of Switzerland is please to present the talented and cheerful performance of the Swiss Boogie-Woogie pianist Mr. Silvan Zingg, in cooperation with the International Mugam Center and The Landmark. The two concerts will take place on Saturday, January 27th (at 20h00) at the International Mugam Centre and on Sunday, January 28th (at 19h00) at the Landmark (on invitation only). The program of the concert is very joyful, a perfect start for the New Year 2018. Zingg’s piano virtuosity and positive energy will amaze you!
Location: Mugam Center
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Last update 19.12.2018