Engage, inspire, empower - Women in Business

Switzerland will make core contributions to four local actors working on women's economic empowerment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim is to provide more substantial and diversified support for women’s increased participation in the country's economic development. These partners will also jointly advocate for the adoption of gender-responsive and evidence-based policies and the allocation of adequate resources for women's economic empowerment by governments at all levels.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Employment & economic development
Business support & economic inclusion
Women’s equality organisations and institutions
01.05.2023 - 30.11.2027
CHF  2’850’000
Background Gender inequality is strongly influenced by the stereotypes typical of a traditional society and shows significant disparities in women's economic activity and life in many areas. The WEF Global Gender Gap Index 2023 ranks Bosnia and Herzegovina 86th overall, and even worse in terms of economic participation and opportunity (112th out of 146 countries). Only one fourth of businesses are owned by women, while women make up 38.8% of the active labour force. A woman entrepreneur is usually a small business owner, usually in low-growth sectors. There are 77% companies with no women in management boards, while only 23% have a woman as a managing director. A specific supportive system for economic empowerment does not exist, while fragmented and short-term support exists through various projects, which are usually neither synchronised nor reinforcing each other. At the same time, fostering economic participation of women represents an enormous potential for stronger and more inclusive economic development in the country, including addressing the acute shortage of skilled labour.
Objectives More inspired, engaged and empowered women proactively participate in and increasingly contribute to economic development of BiH.
Target groups
  • Women/girls aged 16 and over, who want to develop their skills and start a career or run a business, and women who want to advance in their career or change careers
  • Young and adult women who are interested in starting or running businesses in potential growth sectors such as ICT, tourism, energy production, industrial food processing, services, trade and creative industries
  • Mid-career women interested in taking a leadership role in the family business or the legal entity that employs them
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: More women become self-confident to start or to advance their businesses in growth-oriented sectors.

Outcome 2: More women aspire to advance their careers and to assume managerial positions in the private sector.

Outcome 3: Gender-responsive and evidence-based policies establish a conducive institutional framework along with the necessary budgetary support for promoting women in business.  


Expected results:  

  • Partners use synergies and contribute to build an adequate ecosystem
  • Tailored trainings build capacities of women to start or grow their business
  • Networking enables female entrepreneurs to establish effective access to markets
  • Improved access to finance for female entrepreneurs
  • Adequate research ensures knowledge base for program monitoring and informed policy process
  • Series of policy briefs developed and policy dialogue established to improve regulatory framework and ecosystem components run by state authorities

Results from previous phases:  

  • Four selected partners are already supporting women entrepreneurs
  • Four partners developed already various training programs for women
  • Five regional councils for women entrepreneurs established in Republika Srpska with 43 members
  • Four partners have defined their strategic interventions
  • Strong capacities for research exist

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
Project partners Contract partner
Foreign academic and research organisation
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
  • Foreign private sector North
  • Foreign private sector South/East
  • Research Organisation of South East
  • Foundation for Socioeconomic Development 787, Sarajevo; Centre for Education and Research Nahla, Sarajevo; Economic Institute, Sarajevo; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republika Srpska; Other potential partners identified through grant mechanism (civil society, media, public institutions)

Coordination with other projects and actors

Youth for Change – Mozaik, Swiss Entrepreneurship Programme (SECO), Local Economic Development in BiH, Civil Society Support in BiH - PRAGG

With other actors supporting women entrepreneurship (UN Women, EU, Sweden, Germany). 

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    2’850’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    652’237 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   30’000 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   7’585’000
Project phases Phase 1 01.05.2023 - 30.11.2027   (Current phase)