CCCM: Comprehensive Mine Action in Algeciras

Proyecto terminado

SDC will continue supporting the clearance of antipersonnel mines explosive/unexploded ordnances/ improvised explosive devices in the municipality of Algeciras (Huila), as part of the implementation of the peace accord with the FARC-EP. This project aims to protect highly affected communities by the armed conflict and create conditions for socioeconomic and territorial development in a zone where the FARC-EP had a historic presence. This contribution will address a key issue for a sustainable peace in Colombia. It will also strengthen Campaña Colombiana Contra Minas (CCCM), which is the first Colombian association accredited for humanitarian demining.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Latin America
Conflito y fragilidad
Asistencia humanitaria y RRC
Remoción de minas terrestres
Migración en general (aspectos de desarrollo y partenariados)
Protección, acceso y seguridad
24.11.2018 - 30.11.2021
CHF  1’477’000

Algeciras is a municipality with high index of poverty and poor social and economic development. It has been deeply affected by the armed conflict. Although it was given priority for humanitarian demining immediately within the implementation of the Peace Agreement with FACRC-EP, the process of demining is far from being completed. Its strategic position at the border with San Vicente del Caguán (department of Caquetá) made it the ideal transit and presence area of the FARC-EP guerrilla. It was the operational center of the “Columna Móvil Teófilo Forero”, an elite corps within the guerilla, and has been a hot spot for maneuvers and transit of other armed groups through all the years.

Algeciras records the highest number of forced displacement of the department of Huila and is the municipality with the highest number of incidents from APM/UXO/IED. The last casualty happened in 2016, leaving a minor killed and another injured. Furthermore, the Ombudsman Office stresses that due to the growing presence of new illegal armed groups and FARC-EP dissidents, there is a strong worry that new mining activities are taking place in the region. In view of the precarious situation that persists, it is of utmost importance that the demining process that has been started and supported by Switzerland continues. This contribution will lead to an improvement of the life conditions of the people in Algeciras in a safety environment. 

Objetivos Reduce risks caused by APM/UXO/IED in the affected communities of Algeciras to the extent that people’s safety perception is enhanced 
Grupos destinarios

Directly:  413 persons (218 M, 195 F).
9 victims are provided advise in terms of their rights.

Indirectly: 24.492 inhabitants of Algeciras (63% in urban and 37% in rural area).

Efectos a medio plazo

Outcome 1: Mapping of threats caused by APM/UXO/IED in Algeciras through Non-Technical Study (NTS) is finished.

Outcome 2: Threats of APM/UXO/IED in the municipality of Algeciras, Huila, are eliminated through manual demining.

Outcome 3: The communities of Algeciras handle risks and impacts related to APM/UXO/IED.

Outcome 4: More equitable gender roles and relationships within the teams, families and communities have been achieved.


Resultados previstos:  




-Non-Technical Survey (NTS) is finished in Algeciras.

-28.000 m2 have been cleared (12 new Confirmed Hazardous Areas) and handed over to the national authority and the communities.

-413 persons (218 M + 195 F) of Algeciras benefit directly from NTS and clearance, and live in safety conditions.

-290 persons know how to handle risks with APM/UXO/IED and stay safe (Mine Risk Education).

-9 survivors of the municipality are in better health conditions*.

-CCCM implements a gender equality policy that guarantees the dignity of its personnel (female and male) and an adequate implementation of the comprehensive approach.

*These are the same survivors of the previous phase. CCCM has identified these 9 victims need more support to continue their processes within the official route.



Resultados de las fases anteriores:  


-11.073 m2 cleared and handed over to the national authority.
-6 artefacts destroyed (4 APM and 2 UXO).
-291 adults (172 M + 119 F) and 59 children (24 M + 35 F) know how to handle risks with APM/UXO/IED and stay safe (Mine Risk Education).
-9 survivors improved their health conditions.
-National database updated with 100% of the information gathered in the clearance process.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Ayuda humanitaria
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
  • National NGO

Contraparte de la implémentación
Campaña Colombiana Contra Minas (CCCM) is the first Colombian association to receive accreditation for humanitarian demining (2016). It has more than 15 years of experience in manifold areas of mine action. It has been a partner of SDC since 2017

Otras contrapartes
HD operators (i.e. The Halo Trust, Handicap International, Humanicemos DH), CICR, UNMAS, UNICEF, other donors.
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores The Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, Descontamina Colombia (National Authority), Comisión Intersectorial Nacional para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal (CINAMAP), Victim Assistance Unit (UARIV), Land Restitution National Unit (URT) and Organization of American States (OAS), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (partner of HSD), local and regional authorities, communities, victim associations
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    1’477’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’482’746 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF   1’565’000
Fases del proyecto

Fase 2 24.11.2018 - 30.11.2021   (Completed)