Additional energy efficiency project signed

Article, 31.08.2012

In August 2012 Switzerland signed the final infrastructure project with Hungary. The results of a first infrastructure project concluded in 2009 are already visible.

Im August 2012 unterzeichneten die Schweiz und Ungarn ein letztes Infrastrukturprojekt. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, zehn Polizeigebäude und Immigrationszentren energieeffizient zu renovieren. Dadurch halbiert sich der Energieverbrauch dieser Gebäude und die Unterhaltkosten werden um rund CHF 250‘000 pro Jahr reduziert. Konkret sieht das Projekt folgende Massnahmen vor:

Immigration centre in Northern Hungary (Balassagyarmat)
Immigration centre in Northern Hungary (Balassagyarmat) © SECO

• Replace or renovate doors, windows, roofs and walls to improve thermal insulation
• Modernise heating and water supply systems and the lighting
• Make use of solar energy
• Install modern fire alarm systems.

First results visible

Switzerland and Slovenia signed the first project in the field of renewable energy in 2009. The first results are already visible:  a 600 metre-long noise barrier along the motorway H4 has been equipped with solar panels and some public buildings that were previously heated with oil have been converted to biomass heating.

Noise barrier equipped with solar panels
Noise barrier equipped with solar panels

The pictures show the noise barrier equipped with solar panels near the community of Šempeter-Vrtojba © SECO