Bilateral Framework Agreement with Estonia

In 2007 Switzerland concluded a bilateral framework agreement with Estonia which sets out the aim, scope, form and use of the enlargement contribution as well as the most important provisions on its implementation.
The framework agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the government of the Republic of Estonia concerns the implementation of Swiss-Estonian cooperation efforts to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union (EU). It was concluded on 20 December 2007 and came into effect by exchange of notes on 29 April 2008.
The Framework (core) Agreement (PDF, 36.4 kB, English)
Annex 1 contains the principles upon which cooperation is based, describes the main strategic guidelines in implementing the contribution, and specifies the thematic focus.
Annex 1 (PDF, 9 Pages, 112.5 kB, English)
Annex 2 defines the practical rules and procedures agreed upon, i.e., the procedures for project submission, project approval, project implementation, payment, controlling, and audits – all are described in detail along with specification of the respective responsibilities.
Annex 2 (PDF, 78.2 kB, English)
Finally, Annex 3 contains the procedures for the special financing facilities such as the so-called Block Grants, the Project-Preparation (Seed Money) Facility, the Technical Assistance Fund, and the Scholarship Fund.
Annex 3 (PDF, 28.6 kB, English)