On February 5, 2021, Friedrich Dürrenmatt would have gotten 100 years old. Two editions of his works during his lifetime, plus a body of drawings - Friedrich Dürrenmatt is considered to be one of the most important German-speaking playwrights. His plays and crime stories were reaching an audience of millions; his works have been, and still are, read and played all over the world. For Switzerland, he represented an important moral authority and critical instance. Furthermore, he left behind an impressive pictorial oeuvre, which is displayed in the Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel in an attractive environment for the public.
The Swiss Literature Archive and the Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel, two institutions of the Swiss National Library which owe their founding largely to Dürrenmatt, are celebrating the writer and artist with expositions, publications, outreach activities and teaching events. On the occasion of his 100th birthday, Dürrenmatt is celebrated by numerous other institutions in Switzerland and abroad.
Additional links:
Friedrich Dürrenmatt in the Swiss LIterature Archive (SLA)