Where to apply for a Schengen visa?

My place of residence My visa application should be submitted to
Iran  http://www.vfsglobal.ch/switzerland/iran

All diplomatic representations of the Schengen member states have to capture the biometric data (finger scans and facial image) of persons applying for a Schengen visa. The data will be kept in the Visa Information System (VIS) for 5 years.

If your finger scans have not been collected yet, personal appearances when applying for a Schengen visa is mandatory.

If your finger scans were collected within the last 59 months then you won’t have to give new fingerprints for your next visa application(s) and personal appearance is not necessary. However, you have to provide a copy of your previously issued Schengen visa sticker. If you are not sure or do not remember whether your fingerprints have been captured for a Schengen visa within the last 59 months, you have to appear in person.

You will still have to appear in person to give your fingerprints in case the previously collected fingerprints prove to be of insufficient quality.

Personal appearances and fingerprint scan is not necessary for children under the age of 12.

The Swiss representation still reserves the right to ask the applicant to appear for a personal interview after checking his application.

Representation agreement

If a State does not have its proper visa section in a country or region, the delivery of a Schengen visa can be delegated to another Schengen State member with an agreement between both countries concerned.

The agreement allows the appointed representation to represent and handle Schengen visa applications within its own competence without consulting the other represented State.

Country / Region Schengen State which represents Switzerland My visa application should be submitted to
Country / Region Schengen State represented by Switzerland