Dear visitor,
I would like to welcome you most warmly to the website of the Embassy of Switzerland in Maputo. It has been a pleasure for me to represent my country here since August 2023, this all the more because it was in Maputo that I made my diplomatic debut, as attaché at the time, in the year 2000. Half the country's population was not yet born at the time, which goes to show how much the country has changed in certain respects. This evolution explains why the Swiss community, but also the presence of Swiss companies and with that the commercial relations also developed, partly under the impulse of a Chamber of Commerce which did not yet exist at the time.
What has continued unabated over all these years is Switzerland's commitment to working alongside and in partnership with the Mozambican authorities, civil society and population. The Swiss cooperation, which will celebrate its 45th anniversary in 2024, aims to strengthen good governance, support efficient and effective decentralization, and ultimately improve climate proofed basic services for the population.
The ties of friendship between our countries have grown even closer in recent years, thanks to our support for the Maputo peace process that has led to the closure of the last military base, the surrender of the last weapon, and the demobilization and reintegration of more than 5,000 ex-combatants. Switzerland's mediation efforts contributed to the success of the nationally-led reconciliation process.
I invite you to browse through this website, which contains useful information and links on Switzerland and Mozambique, on the bilateral relationship and the priorities of our international cooperation, as well as on the services offered by the Regional Consular Centre in Pretoria.
I also invite you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have, and look forward to personal meetings and exchanges, in Maputo or in the rest of the country.
Yours sincerely
Alain Gaschen
Ambassador of Switzerland to Mozambique